So it's my birthday weekend next weekend.
I have no idea where to go though. I need a good bar! I haven't been to a decent bar in a long time and I have no idea what's fun anymore.
I have no idea where to go though. I need a good bar! I haven't been to a decent bar in a long time and I have no idea what's fun anymore.

I'll try and rack my brain so that we can do something really fun and interesting, but don't be upset if I can't think of anything. It's so hard to be impressed these days by various places to go. Everything is so....bleh. The same. Or try-hard different.
But then again, I'm kind of picky.
Just an idear, but if you like to get all dressed up weird, I think you know that I already do so, and it might be fun to go out in cuh-ra-zay- mad stylez.
Especially if you've got some neato things from Japan.
Anyways, I hope you have a great time for your birthday. If Al gets too drunk and hits on dudes again, you've got to let me know. I've started keeping a tally.
Ha ha ha....kidding of course.
Muah, dahling. See you later.