Wow a week since I updated? eesh
Well I can't get a pre-order for any of the games and Wii that I wanted. Apparently stores don't do that anymore. So my plan for the Wii is to be super-duper nerdy and camp out in front of Best Buy. I choose Best Buy (assuming that he still works there) Al works there and may have some way of making sure I get one.
As for FFXII and the Burning Crusade, I haven't decided if I want to camp out or not. Maybe for BC, but we'll see.
So I got an e-mail from my IIP coordinator (internship coordinator for you fools) and Bioware is wanting January people. Wooooooo
Although they sent the e-mail out today and want a resume and cover letter by Monday. For fucks sake. Good thing I decided not to go to Red Deer for a photoshoot this weekend. And also, they stated that they want a module (a neverwinter nights module) done too. hahahaha. So I e-mailed my coordinator about that and she e-mailed me back saying:
Hi there,
Here is the response I have received about the module for Bioware:
"We do want a module, but understand that this is very short notice. If they have one available, we would love to see it, but not to rush on it as we want them to be happy with what they submit. However if they don't have one make sure that they discuss their interest in game design etc in their cover letter. Or any other gaming experience they have, whether it is experience with betas or other modules."
Super. I was planning on making a module during my winter break and apply for the May position. But if I can get a position in January, wootzors. I also wanted to finish up more courses before working, but I'll make an acception for Bioware. <3
Although I would have liked to make them a module - mostly to freshen up on making one and actually learn how to script sans ScriptEase.
I have no idea what to write in my cover letter though....
Well I can't get a pre-order for any of the games and Wii that I wanted. Apparently stores don't do that anymore. So my plan for the Wii is to be super-duper nerdy and camp out in front of Best Buy. I choose Best Buy (assuming that he still works there) Al works there and may have some way of making sure I get one.
As for FFXII and the Burning Crusade, I haven't decided if I want to camp out or not. Maybe for BC, but we'll see.
So I got an e-mail from my IIP coordinator (internship coordinator for you fools) and Bioware is wanting January people. Wooooooo
Although they sent the e-mail out today and want a resume and cover letter by Monday. For fucks sake. Good thing I decided not to go to Red Deer for a photoshoot this weekend. And also, they stated that they want a module (a neverwinter nights module) done too. hahahaha. So I e-mailed my coordinator about that and she e-mailed me back saying:
Hi there,
Here is the response I have received about the module for Bioware:
"We do want a module, but understand that this is very short notice. If they have one available, we would love to see it, but not to rush on it as we want them to be happy with what they submit. However if they don't have one make sure that they discuss their interest in game design etc in their cover letter. Or any other gaming experience they have, whether it is experience with betas or other modules."
Super. I was planning on making a module during my winter break and apply for the May position. But if I can get a position in January, wootzors. I also wanted to finish up more courses before working, but I'll make an acception for Bioware. <3
Although I would have liked to make them a module - mostly to freshen up on making one and actually learn how to script sans ScriptEase.
I have no idea what to write in my cover letter though....

Should you not be able to attend the pancake event I am willing to forgive you provided you invite at least me and freakpirate over for Wii action. Damn I want to play that thing.