Back to school!

I'm in the comp sci building, wasting time. So far I had my graphics course and it looks super exciting. There's only like 14 people in it.

My tattoo is sooo pretty! I'll have to post pictures once Al can actually focus the camera and get a non-blurry shot. It's quite itchy today so I keep slapping my side.

Will tell more...
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I am so tired. My mom and I went to IKEA today and she bought me 2 bookshelves. I really needed them. They were only $30 each! Mostly because they're made out of shitty plywood but whatever, it works. It took longer than it should for me to make them though. I ended up doing one whole set backwards so I had to start...
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I noticed you were a fellow gamer and Japanophile. So I thought I'd comment on your journal and friend you. smile

Good Luck with school. I loved College. I hope your tattoo turns out great and doesn't hurt too much. I have a ton of various kitchen stuff that I never use because I'm a non-cooking bachelor. My ex-roommate gave it all too me when he moved out.
I'm typing this from work. You can probably then tell how busy it is. It's a Sunday morning at the liquor store and they only people that come in are the alcoholics. My boyfriend Al started working here yesterday. I got him a job haha. So I got to work with him yesterday and be his 'trainer'.

I didn't post yesterday because I slept...
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I'll def. be there smile

Today wasn't very productive. Although I managed to get free lodging in Calgary for the tattoo show. My friend Kat who is on her internship there is going to let us stay! w00t. No having to pay $130 for a room for us three.

I also just owned my boyfriend playing Solitare Showdown on MSN. Fucken eh.
smile hey there, what a coincidence! thats so funny.
i am really looking forward to the calgary show, i have never been there before, i have been to vancoover and the people were so friendly and it was very beautiful.
can't wait to meet you kiss
Congrats on the win and have fun in Calgary. I miss Canada... I've almost been gone as long as I was there growing up.
Whew. I just had an intense gym session. I'm rarely excited to go to the gym but once I'm there that all changes and I just go nuts. I think I was just excited about tomorrow since I'm bringing my boyfriend down to Bear's Skin Art in Edmonton tomorrow to get his eyebrow re-pierced. I love guys with piercings. AND to top it off he...
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haha why thank you.
love wooo! i dont think i could live without WoW... im such a dork... are you into all kinds of video games?

It's been awhile since I had a blog. I'm actually pretty excited about it, especially on a site filled with such hot chicks. blush Fuck, I'll update this later. I just joined SG yesterday and I need to browse the hotties.
