I'v noticed most people are finding it hard to pick one so I thought I'd do a top three as well ☺️
@rambo @missy @lyxzen
1) this first shot is of my very first set I shot for SG with @exkyu and the beautiful @countessa I never thought I'd feel so comfortable taking my clothes off in front of two strangers but they made the day so fun and made me feel so comfortable. Not to mention it SNOWED that's a big deal here seen as it never snows haha I swear half the day it distracted us!
2) the second shot isn't the best quality but I love it none the less, because it was my first ever catwalk/bikini comp I was so nervous I thought I was going to eat shit in front of everyone on that stage but I kept my composure and I placed 3rd which was a massive surprise.
3) the third my facial expression is a little meh! But it had a special meaning to me it's one of my all time fav tattoos done by one of my favourite people to grace this earth. We didn't get many pics together before he passed so this one is special I look at it almost everyday and remember how much I miss him but also how lucky I am to have this beautiful memory of him on my body ❤️
❤️ Thank you @jacinto2