I had such a blast telling you all 10 fun facts about me in my blog homework. And you all see me in my birthday suit 🙊 so I feel it's only natural we get to know one another right? I'm thinking of making this 10 fun facts a regular thing. Maybe with some twists here and there!
1 ~ I have a twin sister
2 ~ I am a total loaner
3 ~ I'd pick country life over city life any day
4 ~ in Thailand people though I was Taylor swift 😂
5 ~ I love to go rock climbing and abseiling
6 ~ I hate wearing underwear
7 ~ I love going op shopping
8 ~ I'm obsessed with candles
9 ~ I always read the death notices in the paper
10 ~ I don't like public pools 😷
Next time I'm thinking I might tell you all ten really cool random facts I know xoxox
Hell yes!! I buy most my things from op shops :) :)
I most definitely agree with facts #'s 3 & 5 as I favor the former & enjoy the latter. I'm astounded that we've yet to read the really cool facts as these 10 alone are quite interesting on their own merit, especially #1, I doubt I can contain my giddiness knowing there's another @rayla lookalike out there ;)