This week @rambo @missy @lyxzen have asked us to write a blog about our pet?
hard because Iv had so many beloved pets over the year but this time I think I'll write about Micky and Mallory my two little ferrets.
I got them about a year ago (last September if I remember correctly) I was on my way to Sydney for a photo shoot and had been talking with my partner for some time about wanting to extend our family, and I thought ferrets would be the perfect addition. Fun, bouncy, fur balls full of energy. I thought why not get them while we are up in Sydney? I contacted a breeder and he said they had a litter all ready for adoption, after my shoot I was soo excited to go to the breeder and pick up our new fur babies I could hardly hide my excitement. We drove into parramatta up to this big beautiful house on Property a Lovely man came out with a big box I looked in and all these super tiny and absolutely gorgeous baby ferrets they were scrambling to get out and meet us. Now originally we were only going to get one but my mind changed as soon as I saw them 😻 I would have taken the all if I could but we settled on two so they had a little buddy to keep them company. It was way to hard to choose because I loved them all already so I just closed my eyes dove my hands in and picked up two. I had already decided I wanted names from one of my favourite movies can you guess which one? I'll give you a clue they are two gun crazed lovers with the last name Knox.??
Now my little babies slept almost the whole drive home, when we finally arrived they had a little box filled with blankets to call there home till they were big enough for there cage.
I swear for the first three weeks I was convinced Mallory was blind she barely walked and kept bumping into things (I think she was just clumsy haha) playing with them and watching them grow over the last year has been amazing they always put a smile on my face. Iv lost copious amounts of makeup sponges, lips glosses, phone cases, and basically anything rubber already belongs to Micky lol anything the find gets hidden around the house (mostly under the couch) They have also grow into there own little personalities I like to say Mallory is like the little old lady she gets a little grumpy likes her nana naps and just relaxing on my lap. Micky on the other hand is like a teenager she is rebellious always up to something and is super bossy (she likes to climb up my pants if I don't pick her up). Now they don't make very many friends as they can be a handful and very cheeky to visitors. But it's all in good fun they just love to be up in everyone's business which isn't everyone's cup of tea. They are the loves of my life and I adore them I would recommend anyone that has a lot of love and time to give get these little guys. You can never be down with a carpet shark around xx
they are super cute