been there,all I got was a chair as well....
I want to punch turbo tax square in the internerd for fuckin' up the format. It's puff puff give, son. Last year I rocked the shit out in less than an hour. This year I gotta go to one of those H&R blocks that used to be an ihop. And I'd rather be eating pancakes while they're doing my taxes.
I drove up here today. I love driving. You run across so many interesting people.
That's one of Woody's most underrated works. I'm also giving Deconstructing Harry another crack and it was better than I remember. I almost shook the shit out of one of my colleagues for admitting that he never saw a Woody Allen film. At least once a year get real serious about his films and re-watch as many as a can before I turn into an agoraphobic as a result. biggrin I think 7 is a good recommended cut-off.

I'm so in in the flesh that they want 80 bucks used for this thing on amazon. mad

This could really complicate my mind for the next month or so. I need to go to an aquarium or something to calm down.

wkakajakakakjajaj're funny!
I love peanut butter and my country is seldom seen wink
Then go into zombie food ration mode and parse it as you see fit. I never really paid it a whole lot of mind, but I guess I'm a glutinous peanut-butter eatin' motherfucka. I'm humbled in my ignorance of the Chilean importation of George Washington Carver's finest of discoveries. wink

Went to buy some furniture for my new apartment tonight. On the way home I noticed that my cab driver looked as if Patrick Duffy were bitten by a radioactive George Lucas. And by the half-crazed look in his eyes I suspected that he wanted only one thing... To remake Dallas' final episode the way Lucas had originally intended it to play out within the...
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You have a very nice music taste.
That's a very sweet thing of you to say Ilsa. I looked up and down your media and found our tastes to be quite simpatico (Except for Dexter. I still watch it, but let's be honest... Five different characters have unknowingly slept with killers. Suspension of disbelief would take on some new form of denial. Yet, just like Lost I watch against my intuition religiously). I also like your Lee Hazlewood reference. That album is like this alternate universe episode of a Mr. Rogers Spaghetti Western. But I digress. As long as your socks stay knocked off, I'll keep the tracks coming your way.