i wonder if i'm the only one who was offended by a certain Heineken commercial that aired several times tonight during the Grammys? the ad featured a "sexy" smiling robot-woman who was basically a fancy beer dispenser. the fact that this sort of advertising apparently appeals to some people makes me shudder. i'd say more about it, but i'm just so completely disgusted...

Didn't watch the Grammy's but it sounds like typical "play down to your audience" advertising. The people at Heineken have apparently decided that drunken frat boys are their new target audience. So much for 145 years of tradition.
i didnt watch the grammys either it seems that heineken want to target the less evolved man. the one who hangs out in meat market bars trying to pick up chicks unlike the more refined male who hangs out in sg commenting on beautiful tatooed ladies and theyre frinds blogs. i hope that alright