my dog's picture is in the newspaper today. i posted her picture on the paper's website in a pet forum the other day, because i'm a huge nerd & that's the sort of thing i do in my spare time. well, a few days later i got an email from the newspaper that said they wanted to print the picture of "Maya Myers" in their...
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You're such a hot nerd!
When you say "a few details"...does that mean they were polite enough to NOT include Maya's weight?
i'm fascinated by the underground HIV/AIDS denialist movement...not because i think there's any merit to their assertions, but because of how tightly they cling to their beliefs, even when faced with overwhelming contradictory evidence. HIV-infected members of this movement die at alarmingly young ages, but their deaths are conveniently (and vehemently) attributed to other causes. it's frightening.
i'm thoroughly disturbed by the fact that the...
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i'm thoroughly disturbed by the fact that the...
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that's okay - really. i WANTED to sit at home with my pets tonight. i mean, who goes out on fridays, anyway?
i am SO my own worst enemy.

well, the masochist in you is certainly rearing its head

Aren't we all?
i wish the hell they'd hurry up and fix that damn space station toilet - i'm sick of hearing about it. yes, it's a fancy space toilet, but it's still JUST A FUCKING TOILET.
But it's still funny when Stephen Colbert talks about it.
this migraine has GOT to GO. it feels like i have a steel band around my head that keeps getting tighter & tighter. it's so bad that i threw up a minute ago. BLEH.
i don't deserve this. i haven't even been drinking or anything. i'm an innocent victim, i tell you.
i don't deserve this. i haven't even been drinking or anything. i'm an innocent victim, i tell you.

maybe you should drink....

Not feeling good sucks...and I miss out when you feel bad, too.
I hope you feel better soon, baby.

I hope you feel better soon, baby.

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sunday ordered the recall of 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that is being investigated for mistreating cattle.
Federal officials suspended operations at Westland/Hallmark after an undercover video surfaced showing crippled and sick animals being shoved with forklifts.
Two former employees were charged Friday with animal cruelty. No charges have been filed...
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"The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sunday ordered the recall of 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that is being investigated for mistreating cattle.
Federal officials suspended operations at Westland/Hallmark after an undercover video surfaced showing crippled and sick animals being shoved with forklifts.
Two former employees were charged Friday with animal cruelty. No charges have been filed...
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mmm...recalled meat

I heard about that on NPR the other day.......scary shit. So when are you going to submit a set??
i wonder if i'm the only one who was offended by a certain Heineken commercial that aired several times tonight during the Grammys? the ad featured a "sexy" smiling robot-woman who was basically a fancy beer dispenser. the fact that this sort of advertising apparently appeals to some people makes me shudder. i'd say more about it, but i'm just so completely disgusted...

Didn't watch the Grammy's but it sounds like typical "play down to your audience" advertising. The people at Heineken have apparently decided that drunken frat boys are their new target audience. So much for 145 years of tradition.
i didnt watch the grammys either it seems that heineken want to target the less evolved man. the one who hangs out in meat market bars trying to pick up chicks unlike the more refined male who hangs out in sg commenting on beautiful tatooed ladies and theyre frinds blogs. i hope that alright

i have the best boyfriend ever.
thats nice

that lucky bastard

Dear Person Who Vandalized My Mini Cooper The Past Two Nights In A Row,
1. fuck you
2. grow up
3. i'm going to wait up and watch for you to try it again, and then i'm going to stab you. i mean it. i can run faster than you'd think, and i have this fancy new set of kitchen knives that i'm not using...
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1. fuck you
2. grow up
3. i'm going to wait up and watch for you to try it again, and then i'm going to stab you. i mean it. i can run faster than you'd think, and i have this fancy new set of kitchen knives that i'm not using...
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That happened to my Jeep on Sul Ross twice in a week. I left a note on my car window stating that the next perpetrator would receive a 12 gauge round to the center of mass and waited upstairs with my shotgun.
Never had any problems after that. Of course, I attribute this more to the vandal moving on. Motherfucker did pilfer my eyeglasses, though.
Never had any problems after that. Of course, I attribute this more to the vandal moving on. Motherfucker did pilfer my eyeglasses, though.