This week's @bloghomework was to write about the top 5 songs that I could listen to over and over again. What a fun topic!
My first instinct was to make all 5 songs Otep songs. For those of you who don't know, she is my whole life, musically. She's in every single slot of my 6 CD changer in my car, haha. I'm a bit obsessed. Buuuut I figured that would be way too boring, and not to mention depressing because she sings about some pretty dark stuff. So I'll keep my top 5 more diverse.
It was still hard to pick only 5. I have the worst case of music bi-polar. I listen to pretty much everything, except country. Ick (Sorry if you like country, whoops).
Without further adieu, here's my top 5:
1. Dead Waltz by Radical Face. Probably my favorite song of all time. It's so beautifully written, and the delivery is amazing. I can perfectly visualize the story he's telling and the emotion in the lyrics. Gorgeous song.
2. Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers. Again, I love the powerful emotion in this song, and Meg is just fucking awesome.
3. Snow White Queen by Evanescence. This song has personal meaning to me, and was the inspiration behind my thigh piece of my own version of Snow White.
4. Genesis by Grimes. I just can't get sick of this one, sometimes I like to put this one and Be a Body on repeat while I'm doing crafty stuff.
5. Jonestown Tea by Otep. I told myself I'd only pick one by her and it has to be this one. This is another song I have a personal connection, and it really is a heart breaking piece of art. I plan on getting a tattoo in the near future paying a tribute to this song.
Ugh, I wish this was a top 10 list! There's so many more songs I could just listen to over and over again, haha. But anyways, that's just a glimpse of some of the things I listen to religiously.
Oh! I also have to give a special mention to the entire album Ten Stories by MeWithoutYou, because I could listen to that whole album over and over again forever.