Blog homework time! Yay! So this week we were asked to write about the the geekiest thing about us. Well that's a bit of a hard one, because the list goes on. I'm into anime and sci fi and superheroes just like many other people on this site. I'm also fascinated by biology and my favorite college course has always been Anatomy and Physiology. I just love the human body and how it works. But the single thing that probably trumps all that is my love for Lord of the Rings. I love this trilogy so much that I had the writing from the One Ring tattooed down my spine. In Tengwar and all. This was my fourth tattoo, and I love it so much. When people don't know what it is, and I tell them what it's from and what it translates to, they usually laugh and call me a nerd. But that's okay, because the awesome feeling I get when I die hard LOTR fan spots it and praises it definitely makes up for it! @bloghomework
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
(Photo by @walter_4sp)