We decided to get a divorce today. At first I was really upset but now, I dunno.... I feel really calm. Its time to throw in the towel, for the kids and for sanity's sake. I thought I would be miserable but I am actually alright. Whats the point of being in a marriage when you are completely miserable with that person? I tried to...
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thanks for the ideas, hon. By the way, how have YOU been?
Damn, I havent been on in forever! Things have been going a lot better. We decided not to get the divorce and we have actually been getting along way better. i guess maybe things just had to get awful so they could better. Or something like that.
Figured it was time for a new blog since I am trying to be as active a member as I can. Lots going on lately! Last Saturday my husband wrecked our car. He was driving behind somebody that stopped. And he didn't stop. So there's that. Everybody was fine, no worries, but I am F-U-C-K fucked since I work 45 minutes away from home. I...
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Oh hell yes to the burger. And the bath. Or maybe a burger IN the bathtub. And a girly beer. That sounds like heaven
A good burger always makes my world better. And thanks for the advice you posted on my blog
So... this is my first blog ever. On this site at least. I guess I will start by introducing myself, eh? I am 21, married with 2 kids under 2. I stay incredibly busy and its pretty lame but I dont think I could operate any other way. I go to school, work full time and try to work out every day- got a lot...
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I just popped your Comment Cherry!!!
Hey, I'm Rictor. If boredom ever strikes, hit me up!
Hey, I'm Rictor. If boredom ever strikes, hit me up!
welcome to SG! you sound like a supermom.