Waiting for 5:30pm to roll around so that I can be babyless
I dyed my hair red last night, I look fuckin hot! Feel like it too. I sent the roommate to go pick up groceries while I laze about.

I should NOT forget to mention what made my day! So, I walk to go get the mail and I get a key to unlock the package storage thingy. I look at the package, I'm very puzzled. So I walk into the apartment office, where my manager/best friend is and mention this strange package to her. We make jokes about it being a bomb and how we're going to have a party if it were to explode, our limbs would be flying. She says we could be nubbs and roll around and hit people's feet. . .bahaha. .. . . . . I open the box, ITS A FREAKING SEGA GENESIS!!!!!!!!!!
This friends with benefits guy knew I wanted one, it's all I ever played with my sister when I was a kid. Freaking Sonic 2 & The pagemaster. I'm SO getting Zombies Ate My Neighbors soon

So, yes. Now back to waiting for the sitter so I can have my nice night out, in the chico party town of cali! It's going to be such a blasttt!!!! I'm looking forward to tonight....maybe a little too much.


I should NOT forget to mention what made my day! So, I walk to go get the mail and I get a key to unlock the package storage thingy. I look at the package, I'm very puzzled. So I walk into the apartment office, where my manager/best friend is and mention this strange package to her. We make jokes about it being a bomb and how we're going to have a party if it were to explode, our limbs would be flying. She says we could be nubbs and roll around and hit people's feet. . .bahaha. .. . . . . I open the box, ITS A FREAKING SEGA GENESIS!!!!!!!!!!
This friends with benefits guy knew I wanted one, it's all I ever played with my sister when I was a kid. Freaking Sonic 2 & The pagemaster. I'm SO getting Zombies Ate My Neighbors soon

So, yes. Now back to waiting for the sitter so I can have my nice night out, in the chico party town of cali! It's going to be such a blasttt!!!! I'm looking forward to tonight....maybe a little too much.

Nice hair colour indeed! and the Best sonic was Sonic 2 on Megadrive with Tails!
Why thank you sir. I do agree