Sometimes I really wonder if I would enjoy going to a gun range. Shooting a gun, there I mean. I sort of think I really would. I sort of think I would like it enough that I'm creeped out by how much I imagine myself potentially sort of really liking it. Pretty powerfully creeped out, really.
It might just solve all my built up tension issues though. Maybe that's why I'm creeped out by it. Maybe it makes me more tense because I'm creeped out by the potential of potentially not being tense anymore. And then I get all tense about why I would think that.
I also think maybe I'd be really surprised and alarmed by the incredibly loud noises it would make.
...I'm a crazy person.

Sometimes I really wonder if I would enjoy going to a gun range. Shooting a gun, there I mean. I sort of think I really would. I sort of think I would like it enough that I'm creeped out by how much I imagine myself potentially sort of really liking it. Pretty powerfully creeped out, really.
It might just solve all my built up tension issues though. Maybe that's why I'm creeped out by it. Maybe it makes me more tense because I'm creeped out by the potential of potentially not being tense anymore. And then I get all tense about why I would think that.
I also think maybe I'd be really surprised and alarmed by the incredibly loud noises it would make.
...I'm a crazy person.
You should go with a group; it will be way more fun. I don't think you should be creeped out by it, though. All sorts find fun and release at ranges.