well i made it to gloucester....home at last. slept all day yesterday...watched the new like 7 1/2 hour version of lord of the rings today. now to find a job...
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Thursday Nov 07, 2002
One week from today I am getting in my car and driving to Gloucester,… -
Thursday Nov 07, 2002
Well, I made it out of bed. Forward momentum...good. So my mom ask… -
Wednesday Nov 06, 2002
Well, elections last night were a total and utter clusterfuck. It was… -
Wednesday Nov 06, 2002
What a shitty week. The boy I like likes someone else. The ele… -
Tuesday Nov 05, 2002
Well, now I'm only half fucked. Which I guess it better then tota… -
Tuesday Nov 05, 2002
Everything I just did in the last 24 hours just blew up in my face. S… -
Monday Nov 04, 2002
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I never have to work in politcs ever again after … -
Saturday Nov 02, 2002
Hi. Um, well....there are 3 days until the election. Make sure you…