hello there all you suicide people
how are your weekends going over there.
mines not been too bad as of yet. had a few brew with with my long lost brother in law. we spoke of excuses vs. reasons and justifiability, we spoke of careers and dreams and you know what??? you gotta chase those dreams or else... theres just no substitute for that perfect end to the path less traveled. preferably the one to the left. so with further adieu i bid you all farwell and good luck.
sincerely your

how are your weekends going over there.
mines not been too bad as of yet. had a few brew with with my long lost brother in law. we spoke of excuses vs. reasons and justifiability, we spoke of careers and dreams and you know what??? you gotta chase those dreams or else... theres just no substitute for that perfect end to the path less traveled. preferably the one to the left. so with further adieu i bid you all farwell and good luck.
sincerely your

surprisingly, there are quite a few dick pics floating around this site. i just ran into chilidog's right after yours and it's not like i go out looking for member's members. anyhow, no permanant damage done
indeed, that audio you got there is something else. i think i'd find myself jumping off the proverbial bridge should she wish it so.
hope you two like it here.