Ok, so at the behest of Beatdrop I am finally updating my profile. Included is a pic of my shiney new red hair, which I really need to get cut, bleached and re-dyed this weekend. Think I'll cut it a wee bit shorter than usuall so it lasts longer.
The pic was taken on my new webcam, the color isn't so great because there is absolutely no light in this room. Is this a Northwest thing where bedrooms just don't come with overhead lighting or what? Anyhow, I'm pale, but not THAT pale. And while I'm at it, the lighter colors tend towards being a bit pink and the darks a bit blue.
What else, what else... Just been working on stuff that is semi-school related. Trying to get something done in time for the open-house/job-fair at school. I suppose that gives me about 6-8 weeks to get a half-decent computer game up and running. Fairly reasonable, since I have a lot of the groundwork up and running. Just need a concept. Also I'll maybe do some quick versions of Tetris and breakout to pad things out a little more, in addition to a more original idea. It would be nice if I could have the original game under OpenGL too, The fact that I don't know a mainstream graphics api yet is sure to be detrimental to my employment, since even some new cell phones have 3D acceleration. Sheesh! A nice gui tool or two would be great too since, lets face it, everyone does tools for their first year or two.
I'm also kind of saddened by the realization that 2D games as we know them are slowly fading away. Everyone wants 3D, very few people will even give a 2D game a second look at the store. Even the last bastion of 2D goodness, the GBA, will soon be out of steam and nintendo will introduce their next successor to the Gameboy line (They say the DS isn't it), likely with lots and lots of 3D acceleration to compete with Sony's PSP. My bet is that they can have it ready to go by christmas this year, and it will be released if the PSP does well enough to be a threat. It the PSP does not do well, Nintendo is perfectly happy to sit back and soak up revenue from the highly profitable GBA. Anyhow, my point in all this is that sometimes I feel like I was born just a little too late. I started writing games for fun as a teenager, text games, then small 2D graphical ones, little final-fantasy style RPG engines and the like. It was fun and challenging withought being as mind-numbingly complex as today's whiz-bang 3D engines have become. Jumping right into the deep-end so to speak doesn't sound very fun. I would have loved to have had the opporitunity to catch the 32-bit wave with the Playstation, Saturn and later the 64bit N64. Enough power to go around, still many 2D projects and less-complex 3D ones, and it was the first time where most of the game was written in high-level C code. I just think that it would have been a really good time to jump in, but alas that time has come and passed.
I guess I'll just adapt and enjoy it or find a job programming databases somewhere
The pic was taken on my new webcam, the color isn't so great because there is absolutely no light in this room. Is this a Northwest thing where bedrooms just don't come with overhead lighting or what? Anyhow, I'm pale, but not THAT pale. And while I'm at it, the lighter colors tend towards being a bit pink and the darks a bit blue.
What else, what else... Just been working on stuff that is semi-school related. Trying to get something done in time for the open-house/job-fair at school. I suppose that gives me about 6-8 weeks to get a half-decent computer game up and running. Fairly reasonable, since I have a lot of the groundwork up and running. Just need a concept. Also I'll maybe do some quick versions of Tetris and breakout to pad things out a little more, in addition to a more original idea. It would be nice if I could have the original game under OpenGL too, The fact that I don't know a mainstream graphics api yet is sure to be detrimental to my employment, since even some new cell phones have 3D acceleration. Sheesh! A nice gui tool or two would be great too since, lets face it, everyone does tools for their first year or two.
I'm also kind of saddened by the realization that 2D games as we know them are slowly fading away. Everyone wants 3D, very few people will even give a 2D game a second look at the store. Even the last bastion of 2D goodness, the GBA, will soon be out of steam and nintendo will introduce their next successor to the Gameboy line (They say the DS isn't it), likely with lots and lots of 3D acceleration to compete with Sony's PSP. My bet is that they can have it ready to go by christmas this year, and it will be released if the PSP does well enough to be a threat. It the PSP does not do well, Nintendo is perfectly happy to sit back and soak up revenue from the highly profitable GBA. Anyhow, my point in all this is that sometimes I feel like I was born just a little too late. I started writing games for fun as a teenager, text games, then small 2D graphical ones, little final-fantasy style RPG engines and the like. It was fun and challenging withought being as mind-numbingly complex as today's whiz-bang 3D engines have become. Jumping right into the deep-end so to speak doesn't sound very fun. I would have loved to have had the opporitunity to catch the 32-bit wave with the Playstation, Saturn and later the 64bit N64. Enough power to go around, still many 2D projects and less-complex 3D ones, and it was the first time where most of the game was written in high-level C code. I just think that it would have been a really good time to jump in, but alas that time has come and passed.
I guess I'll just adapt and enjoy it or find a job programming databases somewhere