Nothing special or new happening...
Can't wait til spring starts...

Why is it when women start dating someone they blow all their good friends off... then come back when they break up expecting everything to be hunky dorie? just curious...

nothing left to say...
Happy Birthday!

I don't think I ever did that but I had friends that did. It really sucks.
so adorably cute and fluffy! I wants it. It will be my precious! Sorry, i'm a dork.
Doesn't seem like anyone's reading these anymore or the site's died down...
This'll be my last update until something exciting or important happens in my life.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

people read, they just can't ( or won't ) stop to comment and remark all the time. so we will look forward to something "exciting" for you. later- tongue
Where's everyone at?
It's like the site's gone dead....
Hope everyone's doing well...

Recovering from sand inhilation so feel like shit...
throat, kidneys, and lungs hurt like hell but i'll get over it...
get my car back thursday so makes things better
It's Friday...
work sucks...
4th week in a row without a car... back in the shop again...
girl I'd been talking to the last month or so was just playing mind games...she doesn't know what she wants right now ...seems to be the other 2 guys she fucking around with...
another round of layoffs comes next week.
life sucks...
sister broke off engagement to turn...
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Were's everybody at???
Feels like everyone on the site just dropped off the planetsmile
Hope everyone's doing well and has a safe and good New Year

You know what my deal was...*hug*
Hope everyone has a good christmas and a good weekend!!
Worked with Voldenae last weekend. She is awesome go send her some lovesmile

Other than that life sucks and I hate the holiday seasonsmile

everyone be safe and have fun this weekend.

All moved in... have internet but no cable yet ...so it suckssmile
been busy working and unpacking but i guess that's normal.
Hope everyone's been doing well.
Will update again soon.

Sounds good. I may not get back to Rocky Mount until Saturday, so I'm thinking Sunday and Monday? Well, we could do saturday, seeing as I have to be out of my dorm by 10 am, so I'll be out early!

Just let me know what you think and we can start planning to throw outfits and ideas together to make awesomeness!!
I had fun this weekend, sorry I got a bad headache on you!

I'll make it up to you, promise!
Thanks giving was another fun filled drama day... sister and fiance split, ran into and ex I didn't care to see, about 7 of us almost got into a fight with some jackasses, have all weekend off with a case of food poisoning, packing and moving monday... what a way to start the holiday season...

hope everyone is having a better weekend and had a...
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