Everybody drop off the planet?? Where's everyone.

Nothing new really just busy with photowork and traveling.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

The wedding the other weekend went well. It was beautiful and a nice day to have it too. Unfortunately I left some equipment down there. So back to Asheville next weekendsmile Always good to go down. Get to see good friends and always interesting.

Lots of work coming up.Lots of shoots, websites to build and reconstruct mine.
Other than that nothing else is new really....
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What a day... finished all the wedding photos for both weddings, shitty day at work, cut the tip of my thumboff( nothing major just hurts) , and traffic sucks.

Have a wedding next weekend in Asheville so I'll be gone the 10th - 12th. Might have a couple shoots too while I'm there. should know more by this weekend.

Then come back and off to...
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Wow busy busy. Maybe we can do a shoot at the tattoo convention if we both end up there. biggrin
aww thanks your so nice. im ok.. just wishing i could get a photographer realllyyy badly. too bad youdont live in NC lol
Been a long stressful week and weekend. I hate being extremely busy and rushed doing things.
I have 2 shoots coming up and have 2 weddings worth of photos to go through and have ready by monday.
I just finished up redoing and updating my website. I thought it turned out well.
I'll be going to Danville next week,Asheville in 2 weeks and then off...
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Hey !! How are u doing? Hope u had a great weekend love!
My weekend was busy too. I Got together with several friends and talked about how good we used to be. Not to mention a nite of drinking & playing beer pong. ttyl <3
Hope everyone had a good 4th and have a good weekend.
Have a couple shoots sat and sunday then another wedding next week.
Short update more to come later....maybesmile

Did you mean the 11th of this month?? Or next??

I'll totally think about shooting. Right now I'm saving money so that I can travel for shoots and whatnot.
If money were a person, it would be something like the antichrist.
But I'll totally think about shooting.

Asheville has a zoo right? I think that's where it is. I've been planning a trip to take some kids to the zoo.
Oh! pfft...did you hear about how they set an island on fire down here??
On the fourth of July. Where they do the fireworks here in Morehead on the water front, there's a island they set them off on not too far away from the mainland, and the island caught fire....and they didn't stop the fireworks. It took a few days to put the fire out.

Only in North Carolina.... confused
Rant ahead:::::::::::::

Well it's Friday and the wedding is tomorrow.
Life fucking sucks and everyhting that can go wrong so far is happening.
My camera's shot to hell so had to order a new one and have it overnighted
up to me in New York. Messed up my back last friday so it's been nothing but back problems all week.
And to top it off,...
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Leaving for New York for my bro's wedding Friday....
Will be up for a week or so... possibly working with Kelly Abbass
Have to see how our schedules work out. Hopefully it works.

other than that nothing new... work's slow and life sucks as usual.
Hope everyone's having a good weekend and a good father's day for the father's out there.

Update: Up here getting things ready for the wedding. Just another couple of days to go til the wedding.
Just got back from VA Beach.
Had a lot of fun and one hell of a time...
of course no trip is complete without a ticket too lol.
Mysister (who was driving at the time) gets pulled for doing 11 miles over the speed limit...
And of course, she looks good and gets off with failure to obey a highway sign...
if i was driving...
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Nothing new lately....
working, redid my site, and going to Virginia Beach later in the month
for a few shoots.
Car's working again finally...

Other than that life's pretty boring.
Hope everyone's doing well

Have a good weekend
Thanks sweetie!
Glad to hear that things are going okay in your world. I'd take boring over bad anyday!
Life sucks right now...
Problems and trouble always seem to come along...
Got screwed over on the car i bought... problem after problem now with it.

The girl I had been talking to for awhile now, had the nerve to ask me how to go about telling another guy she's liked that she wanted to date him. ::::Slap in the face:::::

Only good things lately...
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