Well it's Wednesday...
The wedding went very well Saturday. Got there and my friend's mother told me to come up with a speech(besides taking the photos of the wedding) because I was also a guest of honor too. FUN FUN!!!!
It was the biggest diverse cultured wedding I've ever been too. But it was real nice.
Still one to go though. Groomsmen in one of...
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I will be going grey for about a week soon... busy time of year... reach me on myspace or either messenger if you need me til then...

everyone take care and have a good holiday weekend
Computer's back up and running... lots to catch up onsmile hope everyone's having a good weekendsmile
Hope you're doing well, sweetface! kiss
Thanks for the congratulations. I always take care of her as best I can (just ask her), it will be a lot easier once we're not so far apart, but that won't be for too much longer.
What a bad week so far....

Computer is out of commission until friday at least...
Bank is trying to screw me over...
People are driving me nuts around here...
and messed up my knee at work...

Hope everyone's doing well...
Leave any messages for me on here and I'll be checking on them periodically.

Take care

Mr. Stressed

---- One good note... going to Wilmington...
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Well it's sunday and tired as hell...
Worked most of yesterday to make some overtime... easy work but humid day. Had some friends up visiting this weekend so it was a decent day.
As for going to New York next month, I don't think it'll be happening unless it's later in the year or beginning of next. Damn no money and new jobs...
A friend...
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oooh weddings, fun puke j/k they're not too horrible i guess...and thank you, i hope your week goes very well too
Hope everyone's having a good holiday weekend!!

Nothing new really here. Moving in the next couple of months. That's about it.

For those of you I talk to on yahoo my screen name changed too ; jrmphotonc.

Will update again soon
Hope you're doing well sweetie! kiss
Update time children...

Where to start... Got bored today so completely redid my website. Feel free to check it out and leave comments.

Was told yesterday I have a wedding to do... one of my own clients. She wasn't supposed to get married until next May. That's June 24th. The following weekend, July 1st; I also found out yesterday, I'm a groomsman in another wedding....
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Not much new lately. Work too much but don't we all!?

Went to the last regional swimsuit contest for Hooter's Las Vegas Expo thursday night. Managed to pick up for of the contestants as clientssmile go mesmile also ran into my friend Jennifer in there working. She took a bunch of my business cards for the other girls working since a lot of them were...
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haha...and I am one of the ones leaving. lol

Oh well...August will be here before you know it, and we'll come back to flood the town once again wink
What's new....
not a whole lot...
slice the tip of my finger off at work today...
coworker fell a story and a half and broke his leg...but he's doing good ... 6 1/2 hrs of surgery to place it back right.
Few parties over the weekend lots of fun...
got a raise...

other than that nothing really interesting in my life ...
hope everyone is...
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Ouch!!!!! What a terrible day in the workplace...lol

Hope your finger is better, and that you're well in every other way smile

Later, sweetie kiss
Everything fucking sucks...

on a good note...friend's back from iraq for a couple weeks... nothing else new
I hope everything's better now, at least smile

You're such a sweetheart. kiss

How's everyone's weekend? Mine sucked
--Have to reformat my computer... AGAIN...
--Blew up my car over the weekend and just got it back today
--Spent a whole day doing absolutely nothing because i couldn't go anywhere
-- Weather messed up my shoot with Ami saturday but looks good for this weekend
-- Went out to eat for one of my sister's birthdays
-- The...
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Thanks for your comments sweetie smile I'm doing great. Hope you can say the same kiss
Update time againsmile

Well to begin... Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I tried to send messages to everyone individually but if i missed anyone thanks.

A lot of good news lately toosmile

A friend of mine is coming home finally from Iraq. He'll be here April 23rd. yay!!
Talked to another friend in New York I haven't seen since October and she's now almost...
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thanks...remember if you need some life coaching im here....im starting out at low rates and everything till i get some clients and all....maybe we can work something out cus i still need someone professional to take some sg pics of me... wink biggrin
Miss you already!!! frown

Kisses kiss kiss (from your little Corpralbiggrin)
Update time once again....

Work's good...life's boring and pink elephants have taken over Japan smile

Spring is here once more...which means 3 times as many outdoor sets to be done... and twice as much travelingsmile

Heard from old friends i haven't seen in over 2 years... made my day... even better is we're getting together for my birthday to go to lunch and hangout for awhile....
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happy birthday yo!!!!! biggrin biggrin im really happy to hear that something has finally taken over japan. hahaha enjoy your day!!
hope it rocks your socks!!!!!!!!!!!
birthday hurray