I saw the funniest thing yesterday. As I was driving back onto the freeway from picking up hubby at work we saw a trio of bikers.
The first guy looked like an average enough kid, riding an average enough mountain bike.
Soon behind him was a really fat kid on another average bike. That started me chuckling. I'm sorry, but fat kids on bikes are amusing.
Behind the fat kid was the best part. I'd say the guy was at least 15. Tall and gangly, and riding a preschool girls bike! I swear the tires on that thing were well under a foot wide, and it was bright pink! The guy looked so goofy with his knees sticking straight out the side cause he was even managing to sit on the seat.
We laughed about that for a good long while...
The first guy looked like an average enough kid, riding an average enough mountain bike.
Soon behind him was a really fat kid on another average bike. That started me chuckling. I'm sorry, but fat kids on bikes are amusing.
Behind the fat kid was the best part. I'd say the guy was at least 15. Tall and gangly, and riding a preschool girls bike! I swear the tires on that thing were well under a foot wide, and it was bright pink! The guy looked so goofy with his knees sticking straight out the side cause he was even managing to sit on the seat.
We laughed about that for a good long while...
That's a pretty funny story about the bike. You have to wonder that was by choice, or whether he was just too lazy to walk.
Why yes, an armoury, Ive just added a new sword to it, and some underarm and drop leg holsters are coming soon, and I also just finished ordered a combat vest and night vision goggles.