I'm having one of those days where one moment I feel like bouncing up and down from joy and the next I wanna hurt someone and bawl my eyes out. The good thing is is that I know why I get this way, and I know how to fix it.... get me out of the fuckin city!
God I hate this place... concrete, pollution, fuckin traffic...WAY TO MANY GODDAMN HUMANS!!! They drive me fuckin nuts! I get so sick of hearing people downstairs, people outside the window. Then I go outside and theres one walking on the sidewalk, a hundred drive by while I'm getting into my truck, and anywhere I go they are just infesting the place. Like vermin. Gigantic disguting ignorant rats, and I'm becoming one of them.
I guess one of my major concerns is overpopulation... and cities are nothing more than the perfect examples of that. So many people, I always look at them and can think nothing but "Don't you people realize where babies come from? Don't you realize there are enough of us already? Open your fuckin eyes! STOP BREEDING!!!"
Don't even get me started when I see the third world countries where every woman has 7.3 children. I wish I could put enough Estrogen in the water so the women would never ovulate, like forced birth control or something.
Thats it... fuck World Vision, instead of wasting so much money teaching some little kid about some job they are never going to be able to afford schooling to get, give the mothers birth control! Or better yet... free hysterectamies for all!!
We are such a hypocritical species. We think nothing of 'culling' the herds of wild and domestic animals. There are to many deer? Raise the limit on hunting season! Meanwhile our species is chocking the earth with our exploding numbers, and all we can do is improve health care to make sure that the weakest members of our species (ei: Those people who should DIE through natural selection) are still around to eat food, breathe air, drink water and BREED.
I will however admit that I am one of the most hypocritical of all... in some ways. I honestly feel no compassion for an infant with a terminal disease who dies at the age of six months. I care nothing for people brought down by the newest and most virulant strain of whater monkey mutated disease is out there. When it comes to natural disasters and diseases... I always remember one thing... they are natural. They are meant to happen. They are meant to kill off the weakest of us so that we may continue to evolve and grow stronger as a species. However, due to medical advances, and the need to try to save everyone, we are failing at the most natural of functions: evolution.
I am a perfect example of this. While I feel no sorrow for the tradgedies I hear about, I know that if the world still followed the age old rules of natural selection, I would not be here. Something tragic would have happened to my mother to kill her before I was even born.
However, as I said before, I'm not completely hypocritical. I completely believe that the entire world, not just Japan should follow the rule of one child per family. If the entire world only had one child per family, in the course of one generation we would effectively halve the breeding population of the planet. In the course of about 32 generations, there would be only one person left. Mind you I wouldn't take it that far, but you can see my point, it would be a drastic change.
I intend to follow that rule. And overpopulation is only one of the reasons. I also hate children in general, and as I was raised an only child, I believe it it an excellent way to have a family. So IF I ever get pregant.. you can be damned sure its only gonna happen once.
wow that was a long rant... I think I'm done now....
God I hate this place... concrete, pollution, fuckin traffic...WAY TO MANY GODDAMN HUMANS!!! They drive me fuckin nuts! I get so sick of hearing people downstairs, people outside the window. Then I go outside and theres one walking on the sidewalk, a hundred drive by while I'm getting into my truck, and anywhere I go they are just infesting the place. Like vermin. Gigantic disguting ignorant rats, and I'm becoming one of them.
I guess one of my major concerns is overpopulation... and cities are nothing more than the perfect examples of that. So many people, I always look at them and can think nothing but "Don't you people realize where babies come from? Don't you realize there are enough of us already? Open your fuckin eyes! STOP BREEDING!!!"
Don't even get me started when I see the third world countries where every woman has 7.3 children. I wish I could put enough Estrogen in the water so the women would never ovulate, like forced birth control or something.
Thats it... fuck World Vision, instead of wasting so much money teaching some little kid about some job they are never going to be able to afford schooling to get, give the mothers birth control! Or better yet... free hysterectamies for all!!
We are such a hypocritical species. We think nothing of 'culling' the herds of wild and domestic animals. There are to many deer? Raise the limit on hunting season! Meanwhile our species is chocking the earth with our exploding numbers, and all we can do is improve health care to make sure that the weakest members of our species (ei: Those people who should DIE through natural selection) are still around to eat food, breathe air, drink water and BREED.
I will however admit that I am one of the most hypocritical of all... in some ways. I honestly feel no compassion for an infant with a terminal disease who dies at the age of six months. I care nothing for people brought down by the newest and most virulant strain of whater monkey mutated disease is out there. When it comes to natural disasters and diseases... I always remember one thing... they are natural. They are meant to happen. They are meant to kill off the weakest of us so that we may continue to evolve and grow stronger as a species. However, due to medical advances, and the need to try to save everyone, we are failing at the most natural of functions: evolution.
I am a perfect example of this. While I feel no sorrow for the tradgedies I hear about, I know that if the world still followed the age old rules of natural selection, I would not be here. Something tragic would have happened to my mother to kill her before I was even born.
However, as I said before, I'm not completely hypocritical. I completely believe that the entire world, not just Japan should follow the rule of one child per family. If the entire world only had one child per family, in the course of one generation we would effectively halve the breeding population of the planet. In the course of about 32 generations, there would be only one person left. Mind you I wouldn't take it that far, but you can see my point, it would be a drastic change.
I intend to follow that rule. And overpopulation is only one of the reasons. I also hate children in general, and as I was raised an only child, I believe it it an excellent way to have a family. So IF I ever get pregant.. you can be damned sure its only gonna happen once.
wow that was a long rant... I think I'm done now....
Know I know why I love you...your awesome...however, that' pretty much the same way I feel too...stupid humans...