Well I found a very interesting site today, it is World Sexual Records. I couldn't help but point out some of the more interesting facts I learnt today
The most orgasms ever recorded for a female is 134 (and yes it was all at once, and within one hour. I think I'm gonna have to try and beat it... mwahahahaa!)
The most for a male is 16 (multiple orgasms are such a good thing...)
The fastest orgasm for a male: Some men can orgasm on thought alone, although its rare. But it doesn't say exactly how long it took them!
Fastest orgasm for a female: (I love this quote) "I remember one woman who was capable of from fifteen to twenty orgasms in twenty minutes. Even the most casual contact could arouse a sexual response in her. Observing her both in masturbation and in sexual intercourse, we found that in intercourse her first orgasm occurred with two to five seconds after entry."
hehe..... here is one record I can say I've beat...
Busiest Lover, Male: An anonymous man who slept with and aprox 52,000 women in his life.
Busiest Lover: Female: Julia the Elder, daughter of the Roman emporer Agustus. She had sex with an estimated 80,000 men in her life. She couldn't find anyone to satisfy her... poor dear.
Most Dangerous sex technique... this ones a doozy. First, you find yourself a Japanese prostitute working near the ocean (Hong Kong is where this comes from). Second, you find a boat. Third, the prostitute leans over the side of the boat. Fourth, enter her from behind, and enjoy the wonderful spasms as she is in the process of drowning. Fifth, be a gentlemen and remember to pull your prostitute out of the water before she drowns.
Yes that is an actual practise, scary ain't it?
Hmm what other tidbit of useless info are there? Lets see shall we?
Now this is scary...Youngest Mother
The youngest mother whose history is authenticated is Lina Medina, who delivered a 6-pound boy by cesarean section in Lima, Peru in 1939, at an age of 5 years and 7 months. What makes it not so horrible is the fact she had a rare hormonal imbalance that makes children go through puberty at a much earlier age. What makes it even worse is what kind of a sicko is the father???
Largest Condom: It was made for a demonstration againts AIDS in Colombia. It measured 12 feet in diameter, was over a half mile long and weighed about 3,000 pounds! Now how many people would have an overwhelmind urge to crawl inside and pretend to be a stuck sperm? or am I the only one? I'm probably the only one....
Speaking of sperm... lets find out what creature has the largest! Its not a whale or an elephant... its a fruit fly! One species has a sperm cell that is 6cm long.... which is 20 times longer than its body. I just want to know how that works....
I think thats enough sharing for now
The most orgasms ever recorded for a female is 134 (and yes it was all at once, and within one hour. I think I'm gonna have to try and beat it... mwahahahaa!)
The most for a male is 16 (multiple orgasms are such a good thing...)
The fastest orgasm for a male: Some men can orgasm on thought alone, although its rare. But it doesn't say exactly how long it took them!
Fastest orgasm for a female: (I love this quote) "I remember one woman who was capable of from fifteen to twenty orgasms in twenty minutes. Even the most casual contact could arouse a sexual response in her. Observing her both in masturbation and in sexual intercourse, we found that in intercourse her first orgasm occurred with two to five seconds after entry."
hehe..... here is one record I can say I've beat...
Busiest Lover, Male: An anonymous man who slept with and aprox 52,000 women in his life.
Busiest Lover: Female: Julia the Elder, daughter of the Roman emporer Agustus. She had sex with an estimated 80,000 men in her life. She couldn't find anyone to satisfy her... poor dear.
Most Dangerous sex technique... this ones a doozy. First, you find yourself a Japanese prostitute working near the ocean (Hong Kong is where this comes from). Second, you find a boat. Third, the prostitute leans over the side of the boat. Fourth, enter her from behind, and enjoy the wonderful spasms as she is in the process of drowning. Fifth, be a gentlemen and remember to pull your prostitute out of the water before she drowns.
Yes that is an actual practise, scary ain't it?
Hmm what other tidbit of useless info are there? Lets see shall we?
Now this is scary...Youngest Mother
The youngest mother whose history is authenticated is Lina Medina, who delivered a 6-pound boy by cesarean section in Lima, Peru in 1939, at an age of 5 years and 7 months. What makes it not so horrible is the fact she had a rare hormonal imbalance that makes children go through puberty at a much earlier age. What makes it even worse is what kind of a sicko is the father???
Largest Condom: It was made for a demonstration againts AIDS in Colombia. It measured 12 feet in diameter, was over a half mile long and weighed about 3,000 pounds! Now how many people would have an overwhelmind urge to crawl inside and pretend to be a stuck sperm? or am I the only one? I'm probably the only one....
Speaking of sperm... lets find out what creature has the largest! Its not a whale or an elephant... its a fruit fly! One species has a sperm cell that is 6cm long.... which is 20 times longer than its body. I just want to know how that works....
I think thats enough sharing for now
I think my all time favorite position that some japanese prostitutes can do is, Both standing, you enter her from behind and she bends all the way around and sucks your balls!