"the smog float & swirls upwards as the light filters through the dim hue of twilight, we sit, silent, as if waiting for what we do not know, yet not wanting but hoping for the unknown light that lies within the darkness. the light & darkness which is in all of love, nature, life, & the entire span of the cosmos. wanting to see that beautiful kindom on the moon that shines its brightness of peace & love down upon us, down upon us. down here under this moonlight we sit. sometimes feeling alone more than together, but knowing still that we are connected with all. here we sit. sitting upon a being, a entity, a goddess so full of life & everflowing love & emotion, yet deep darkness uncomprehensable by us mortals. a massive energy center that is everywhere around us & inside of us, for from she is which we came & to which we will return to. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. i glance back up at the sky & think to myself, "why havent we been destroyed yet? we - as a species have caused more destruction, greed, famin, and evil than any other species on the planet. why are we spared? what is the master plan?" yet all i really know is that love, true love can be found in ourselves, through the earth."
-ravensfeather 2004
Hope you enjoyed the little bit of writing above, i really like that one, and i pulled it out of an old box of papers and rewrote it today. im sleepy and just want a rainy cool day to come so i can rest in the crisp fresh air...the humidity is killing me...urg
Edit: P.S. - the painting above is by me, its been a work in progress for a few years now, its my tree of life, and i add a little bit to it every once and a while and it grows with me you could say...blessed be
humidity is the debil... the concept of that painting is great, I really dig that.
it was crazy humid for the move on saturday. i thought i was going to die. but my crazy other half was in warp speed for the move so it was not that bad. hope things are going well for you. we finally have a place big enough for you to come visit at least for 2 months anyway. take care, call me if you need me.