wow, seems as if its been a while since i have been online, in the past week and a half or so i have, moved into a new appartment with paul (this guy im seeing, which i really enjoy ) we totally changed the whole house, we painted EVERY room in the house, it looks fabulous, feels so different, so nice. i had a birthday, and it was alright, paul got me two really awsome LOTR toys, sauron, and gollum..i only need like 2 more and i have the whole collection, haha, im such a dork im really happy right now, in a peaceful contentment. i really like living in champaign more than urbana...its so much nicer, i dont know why, or how, but it just feels better on this side of town =) must go smoke now....
Glad youe enjoyed it bud, grats on the new pad, smoke one for me.
painting is cool....