Hello there,
Not sure who could possibly read this at this point so will keep mecifully brief. I'm an Aussie travelling the world. Have been for some time now. Journeying and doing a bit of work as I go. Currently in the UK, mvoing up to Scotland for a fair while soon I think. I've joined this site on the advice of another Aussie I met. And i must say, best thing a traveller could ever do!
Briefly, I love talking about books, history, travel, sex and anything else you can think of. If anyone reads the profile and would like to have a chat drop me a line, always good to hear from new people. I've posted a few photos of myself and travels, just as an introduction. Might put up more travels soon. By the way, I'm a fair speller, quite anal about it in fact, but an awful typist, so apologies for all the mistakes you will find.
Incidenatlly, this site came up because we were discussing tattoos and my plans. In 26 days I'm getting an existing arm piece made into what I'm hoping will be an awesome image. Will definitely post all about it.
bath and the Gothic cathedral
Me in the coolest pub I've ever been in, The Bear and Billet in Chester
Not sure who could possibly read this at this point so will keep mecifully brief. I'm an Aussie travelling the world. Have been for some time now. Journeying and doing a bit of work as I go. Currently in the UK, mvoing up to Scotland for a fair while soon I think. I've joined this site on the advice of another Aussie I met. And i must say, best thing a traveller could ever do!
Briefly, I love talking about books, history, travel, sex and anything else you can think of. If anyone reads the profile and would like to have a chat drop me a line, always good to hear from new people. I've posted a few photos of myself and travels, just as an introduction. Might put up more travels soon. By the way, I'm a fair speller, quite anal about it in fact, but an awful typist, so apologies for all the mistakes you will find.
Incidenatlly, this site came up because we were discussing tattoos and my plans. In 26 days I'm getting an existing arm piece made into what I'm hoping will be an awesome image. Will definitely post all about it.

bath and the Gothic cathedral
Me in the coolest pub I've ever been in, The Bear and Billet in Chester

Bolicks, Soccer is what the Yank's call football, Not the British...Aussie wanker 

Soccer/football, it's still better than this American shite!