i have eaten SO much sugar today...i feel like shit.....i decorated 50 fairy cakes in preparation for halloweeeeen!!! but im not actually that excited cause i have nothing to wear. i was supposed to get a job this week so that i was actually able to buy stuff like a normal functioning member of society....but i didnt...and i most definitely am not...oh. i managed to spill a bottle of black food colouring on the white kitchen counter and in the process of cleaning it up i spilt the bottle of red...
on the up side i dyed my hair...im no longer blonde..im hoping it will help with my air head situation...not much luck so far...
on the up side i dyed my hair...im no longer blonde..im hoping it will help with my air head situation...not much luck so far...

oohh, that is a really cool colour red - more pics please!!
hmm looking good!!! red suits you.