i just had a grande soy mocha (which im not sure is entirely dairy free but im choosing to ignore that) and now my chest is tight and my palms are sweaty...and then i ate pb and jelly so im completely indulging in suger shock...
...soon i'll crash and hate the world though...or maybe i should keep consuming sugar till i keel over and vomit...
i cant even type properly, my body feels like it wants to move a thousand miles a minute...
...soon i'll crash and hate the world though...or maybe i should keep consuming sugar till i keel over and vomit...
i cant even type properly, my body feels like it wants to move a thousand miles a minute...

Lovely to meet you on Friday
It was a real surprise because I had no Idea you were on the tour! You put on a fantastic show!

Thanks for last night's show, it was amazing. I had such a good time and I hope all of you did too.