Got into a pretty bad motorcycle accident on Friday... Dislocated my wrist, broke my thumb and forearm, and jacked up my leg pretty bad... Bike was totalled, but, I'm alive... Yay
Been smoking a lot more than usual and hopping my crippled ass anywhere I can... So tired of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day
Been smoking a lot more than usual and hopping my crippled ass anywhere I can... So tired of watching tv and sitting on the couch all day
Doing better, can walk a little now, but wrist and hand still messed up pretty bad. 4 more weeks with a rail on my arm at least
Ouch! Try to hang in there! I hope you're not in too much pain
wayyyy to much mass effect 3 lately... i think i've logged like 27 hours of play on it already. I need to find something more productive to do
Thank you a kiss I hope that you continue supporting your big kiss xoxo
Can't wait for Mass Effect 3! 1 more day!!! i need to decide to try to finish my 4th play-through of ME2 or play some more ME multiplayer tomorrow... decisions, decisions....
well, here we go again, trying to quit smoking. it's weird it isn't the fact that i just HAVE to have one and break down that way, i'll just wake up the next day and forget that i was trying to quit. I just go back into my usual routine without even thinking about it. so, i guess i just need to write it down...
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I just broke down and had one today...not good. Good luck!
to everyone that got a random comment that doesn't make sense, I apologize, my phone freaked out and sent, what looks like, everyone In my friends list a message
I was just about to ask you "What do you mean you can't get enough?" Hahaha. That is the most random thing that I have ever seen.
we can mutually feel bad for each other i suppose haha
well, 2 months and i needed to have this place back... just didnt feel right without my SG fix
you couldn't stay away, eh? lol.
if you look at my blog, i've only done minor check-ins for a few years now. i am sooo bored at home now though, that i am going to try to get more involved again, like with my groups. i used to practically live on here. maybe i just got old. lol.
if you look at my blog, i've only done minor check-ins for a few years now. i am sooo bored at home now though, that i am going to try to get more involved again, like with my groups. i used to practically live on here. maybe i just got old. lol.
and.... I feel like a fucking ass
feeling like a skyrim and screwdriver all-nighter.... the joys of being home alone so much, I can actually get away with this, lol
Thank you!! I totally agree with you. As long as it's mutual, fwb can be fun. & yeah, she wasn't worth getting upset over. I didn't respond to her & I just told myself not to take anything so personally anymore. I think she likes him so she was hating on my comment. Haha
hell yes!
well, wife goes out of town for two weeks starting tomorrow... should make for a pretty boring time for myself, more so than usual. probably two weeks of tv dinners and video games, lol...
maybe i'll try to get out on friday or saturday and go to the bar or something.... i'll have to do something or i'll end up losing my damn mind. oh...
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maybe i'll try to get out on friday or saturday and go to the bar or something.... i'll have to do something or i'll end up losing my damn mind. oh...
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Halloween sucked.....
Someone needs to play some rock band with me!
That is all
That is all
thats alright i almost do that all the time