I'm a sucker for loud noises and bright lights.
We had a military display for the 60th anniversary of VP Day yesterday.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm totally anti-war, don't start getting narky with me, but I guess having two military parents leaves a genetic weakness for aerial displays by jets followed by fireworks. Wetting my man-panties.
I've also had my first taste of CentreLink, which is Australia's welfare/social securty place. 3 hours of travelling back and forth getting the right documents, and I was just handing in a form asking for Youth Allowance. I'm also certain this is pretty average. What a crock of shite.
My assignments are being done, but it just keeps getting longer and longer... blah!
Add to this I'm suffering that terrible condition of liking what I shouldn't want in a girl (for many reasons). Stupid Simon! That's a bad Simon!
We had a military display for the 60th anniversary of VP Day yesterday.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm totally anti-war, don't start getting narky with me, but I guess having two military parents leaves a genetic weakness for aerial displays by jets followed by fireworks. Wetting my man-panties.
I've also had my first taste of CentreLink, which is Australia's welfare/social securty place. 3 hours of travelling back and forth getting the right documents, and I was just handing in a form asking for Youth Allowance. I'm also certain this is pretty average. What a crock of shite.
My assignments are being done, but it just keeps getting longer and longer... blah!
Add to this I'm suffering that terrible condition of liking what I shouldn't want in a girl (for many reasons). Stupid Simon! That's a bad Simon!

funny you said "if its not raining" cause for the first time in a long time it rained lastnight... it was so wierd!
if your talking about the big blue bridge... ive already tried climbing that, i got yelled at by a security guard.
i ended up painting on my wall.. its not done, but looking pretty cool, thanks for the ideas though!