Two entries in a day. I used to be luck to get two a week...
This is fucked. The new flame ignites, and then an old one comes from nowhere to use her dirty tricks yet again (not an ex by the way, just a crush). Crafty, but I'm wiser now. Still one of those things you wonder about though...
And things were already fucking me around prior to that. The new one springs it on me tonight that she needs to talk to someone else, before she talks to me. This after I thought the ex thing was getting sorted slowly, a whole new problem comes along. Sink. Sink. Sink. Sunk.
At any other point I'd cut her off like a defective limb, but for some reason I'm going to fight it (and believe me, this isn't the kind of girl I thought I'd ever fight myself for).
In other news, the old flame and I went and saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang tonight. Highly recommended. Funny as hell, and Downey Jr. is hilarious, as per usual. Must be the drugs.
"I was wetter than Drew Barrymore at a grunge club...."
This is fucked. The new flame ignites, and then an old one comes from nowhere to use her dirty tricks yet again (not an ex by the way, just a crush). Crafty, but I'm wiser now. Still one of those things you wonder about though...
And things were already fucking me around prior to that. The new one springs it on me tonight that she needs to talk to someone else, before she talks to me. This after I thought the ex thing was getting sorted slowly, a whole new problem comes along. Sink. Sink. Sink. Sunk.
At any other point I'd cut her off like a defective limb, but for some reason I'm going to fight it (and believe me, this isn't the kind of girl I thought I'd ever fight myself for).
In other news, the old flame and I went and saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang tonight. Highly recommended. Funny as hell, and Downey Jr. is hilarious, as per usual. Must be the drugs.
"I was wetter than Drew Barrymore at a grunge club...."
man my face hurts i just tore this "biore" stip off my nose because its supposed to make pimples not grow there...and it feels like i tripped off a layer of my skin