Hi everybody !
First, I hope you had great Xmas time and you made good resolutions to feel better with yourself this year. 2013 will be legen...dairy for me and full of changes ! I'll live in Nantes for 3 months, where I've never been before and where I'll have my first job training (I'm not sure for this word but if Google say that...) - I return in France with a lot of sweet memories and I would love to travel all my life. Aaaaaand... 2013 is certainly THE year for my first SG set

(yeah I'm a big ginger cat and I'm lying here reasonless)
I'm a little sad to leave the AMAZING people I've met here in Canada but life is full of surprises and anything can happened. (Yeah, I know, I'm very cheesy but that's true)
I'm still in Montreal but I already miss it. (But not the temperature... -20 degres...)
I count on Nantes to make good meetings and I can't wait to meet some SG members at the same time !!!
But what is a beautiful year without beautiful ladies ? Please, support them, they are terrific !
Cane - Vagabond

Amstramgram - Origamette

Marquise - Pan to Artemis

Sand - Et cetera desunt

Apolline - Petite anatomie

Kyoko - It is forbidden to forbid

Lylie - Little Drop of Poison

See you soon
(I'm really to serious with glasses)

First, I hope you had great Xmas time and you made good resolutions to feel better with yourself this year. 2013 will be legen...dairy for me and full of changes ! I'll live in Nantes for 3 months, where I've never been before and where I'll have my first job training (I'm not sure for this word but if Google say that...) - I return in France with a lot of sweet memories and I would love to travel all my life. Aaaaaand... 2013 is certainly THE year for my first SG set

(yeah I'm a big ginger cat and I'm lying here reasonless)
I'm a little sad to leave the AMAZING people I've met here in Canada but life is full of surprises and anything can happened. (Yeah, I know, I'm very cheesy but that's true)
I'm still in Montreal but I already miss it. (But not the temperature... -20 degres...)
I count on Nantes to make good meetings and I can't wait to meet some SG members at the same time !!!

But what is a beautiful year without beautiful ladies ? Please, support them, they are terrific !
Cane - Vagabond

Amstramgram - Origamette

Marquise - Pan to Artemis

Sand - Et cetera desunt

Apolline - Petite anatomie

Kyoko - It is forbidden to forbid

Lylie - Little Drop of Poison

See you soon

merci ma belle! a me fait TROP plaisir venant de toi. C'est vrai que ce set change pas mal, j'ai beaucoup boss les poses et expressions histoire de progresser un peu.. Et a a l'air d'avoir pay 

Merci, et je te shoote quand tu veux !