It amazes me that I'm still even on this site!!! SWEET!
Marriage Journal #1:
Anyways, Ducky and I are at each other's throat's over this whole living together situation. I fuckin' love that ho! As I type, I'm sitting here at work with her at my side and she is constant in her attenpt to bug the shit outta me. I guess that's the married life and shit. I'll get over it, but this shit suck donkey-dick right now.
She put up some of the pictures I took of her at Glamour Shots (South Bay Galleria) (The fuck you waiting for JAY?!?)
In my opinion I think she looks gorgeous! Ask her though, and she'll tell you everything that's wrong with her and then some. Some people just won't let themselves feel happiness. It's really draining to hear that shit all day. So, I'll spare you ...
This is the suck before the sweet I suppose, and I'm loving every moment of it. I just wish she weren't so quick to hang up the towel; this is going to get a lot harder I'm sure and if she's already threatining to call it quits, then what's the point of all this discomfort?!?
By married, I mean, to the LORD!
Marriage Journal #1:
Anyways, Ducky and I are at each other's throat's over this whole living together situation. I fuckin' love that ho! As I type, I'm sitting here at work with her at my side and she is constant in her attenpt to bug the shit outta me. I guess that's the married life and shit. I'll get over it, but this shit suck donkey-dick right now.
She put up some of the pictures I took of her at Glamour Shots (South Bay Galleria) (The fuck you waiting for JAY?!?)
In my opinion I think she looks gorgeous! Ask her though, and she'll tell you everything that's wrong with her and then some. Some people just won't let themselves feel happiness. It's really draining to hear that shit all day. So, I'll spare you ...
This is the suck before the sweet I suppose, and I'm loving every moment of it. I just wish she weren't so quick to hang up the towel; this is going to get a lot harder I'm sure and if she's already threatining to call it quits, then what's the point of all this discomfort?!?
By married, I mean, to the LORD!
Your profile pick. . .fuckin metal!

Yes! Propose! So cuuute!