So, Jersey surprised me and represented some of the finest mosh-pitting I've ever witnessed!! I even made me a little:
(Quick side note: Our roomate "Phyllis'd" out of the show ... on the fucking ride there!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck is that?!?!? ... And she fuckin' drove!!
Anyways, Fang, his girlfriend, and his 19-year-old brother were in attendance. This was his second concert ever , but the first time he wouldn't have to be confined to a seat.
(That's kinda of funny to say since he's confined to a:
The three of us made it our holy crusade to make sure he had the bestest time ever. (It was important to us as well because a couple of weeks ago he lapsed into a coma after a couple of terrifying seizures. When he was out, we didn't know,
He wanted to see New Found Glory and Yellowcard especially so, when NFG was about to come on, they high-tailed it to their stage. (I caught the tail end of Bowling for Soup) When I caught up with them, they were in the middle of the crowd. I don't know if you've ever sat in a chair whilst everyone was around you was standing, but you can't see shit! Fang told me to rock out with him on my shoulders so he could get a better view. (as he had just done) While I did that, he and Meredith:
He fucking loved it! I mean, he was singing at the top of his lungs, clapping and even threw in a litte air drumming for good measure.
After that, it was time for Bouncing Souls, so naturally, we got even closer to the stage. (read:
in the midst of flying elbows, crowd surfing, and people who can't see a guy sitting in a chair) We three had our work cut out for us on this one. Making sure surfers didn't land on him and pits didn't engulf him!
I've never felt so powerful, like a fuckin':
So as you can already tell, I was so intoxicated with power that I was letting people have it. I mean, I don't protect myself this well in the pit. I am Jack's primal paternal urge!!
To my surprise, once people found out what we were doing they were all to happy to stop what they were doing and help in the cause!
Yellowcard was up next so we got prime position and prepared the go to battle agan:
... and again, the same result!! We even had people that were at the last stage with us seeking us out to help with the cause. We had such a defense going that Fang and I were able to pick him up in his chair so he could sing and see "his" band while people surfed around him. He got whacked in the head by somebodies foot and loved every second of it. It was an awesome site.
To those who rock that hard in and out of the pit; I salute you!!
"Just because your life is hard, doesn't mean it's bad!" -Andrew W.K. --Hellfest 2004
P.S. For the moment, Fang=JohnnyRockNRoll
Duuude, I'm so confused. When I saw your last profile pic, I'm like: "Is he four guys?" Now, I log on and there's this whole new guy in my friends list and I'm like: "Who's that guy?" STOP THE MADNESS!!!
it gets SO black when we're around each other that we need to turn the light on! wassup!?