This job rox so fuckin' hard! So, I work alone in the back of the restaurant with a pretty sweet radio (for which I've made a 200+ song mp3 which by the 3rd day of work I've only heard repeated minimally) So, working nights I can pretty much get away with getting fucked up and sleeping off a "hangover" without too much trouble. Case in point ,,,
After the last SGNY shindig, (before which I had to work) I suffered a hangover (which never happens by the way; must've been that damn honey liquor) Anyways, after blarin' the radio for a bit I decided to have a little break. Apparently, while I was rockin' out in the back, the owner left the kiddies in charge (I'm like the oldest person working there
) So they're all up front drinkin' 22's and shit with their friends!
I was just pissed that no one asked if I wanted one. (So I taxed 'em all!) So some time goes by and the weed man shows up. He's in the back going to work rollin' em up. Fucking hilarious. Those kids are way more fucked up than I was at that age but it does make for an awesome working environment!
Peace bitches!!!
After the last SGNY shindig, (before which I had to work) I suffered a hangover (which never happens by the way; must've been that damn honey liquor) Anyways, after blarin' the radio for a bit I decided to have a little break. Apparently, while I was rockin' out in the back, the owner left the kiddies in charge (I'm like the oldest person working there

Peace bitches!!!

AND great to see you rockin' the kit! We have something in common (other than our fabulous good looks)
we love you too