bit of trouble at work.
I work graveyard shift at the prison--12 hours a night--& I've been smuggling a little something in to help me thru the shift. a little something that starts with "e"...
that's right, "ebooks on my palm pilot"
anyway, there's kind of an across-the-board ban on portable video game systems, cell phones & such-like--& this includes PDA's.
generally, I have my Palm Pilot on me wherever I go--it's just so dang useful. some nights I'm so busy that I don't have time to even turn it on--other nights'll have long, slow stretches where there just ain't much going on & I'll read some poetry, or a novel, or a play, or a dissertation, or a newspaper. it keeps the mind stimulated & the soul supple. but I can quit any time I feel like it. honest.
a few nights ago I filled in for half an hour or so at a post &, when relieved, I forgot to take my little palm along with me. the officer who relieved me, not knowing that it was mine or even what it was, turned it into the sergeant, who turned it into the Associate Warden.
long story short: the reaction of the AW could've run the gamut from my being fired outright, to a few days off without pay, to a letter of reprimand in my file (or "jacket"), to my being told to be more careful about my shit.
as it was, I think I handled things pretty well. my record's clean, I'm a good & (dare I say?) well-liked officer &, ultimately, IT WAS JUST A FUCKING PDA FER CHRIST'S SAKE, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? so what happened was I went in & was asked to write a report. a report snitching off the officer in the gatehouse who searched my shit coming in.
this is one of many times in my life where a certain facility with the English language came in handy. one thing about the Prison I've learned in the few years I've been there is that: there's the shit that happens, & then there's what the report says.
I (& I'm kinda proud of this) was able to write, in a few minutes, a report that, while being entirely truthful, absolved myself, & any & all officers I'd been expected to snitch on.
so that was settled.
still, in the back of my mind I'm wondering if I kinda sorta didn't entirely accidentally leave my PDA to be found, in that I really, really want to get out of this place & have been sorta casting around for an excuse to do so without looking too bad.
I work graveyard shift at the prison--12 hours a night--& I've been smuggling a little something in to help me thru the shift. a little something that starts with "e"...
that's right, "ebooks on my palm pilot"
anyway, there's kind of an across-the-board ban on portable video game systems, cell phones & such-like--& this includes PDA's.
generally, I have my Palm Pilot on me wherever I go--it's just so dang useful. some nights I'm so busy that I don't have time to even turn it on--other nights'll have long, slow stretches where there just ain't much going on & I'll read some poetry, or a novel, or a play, or a dissertation, or a newspaper. it keeps the mind stimulated & the soul supple. but I can quit any time I feel like it. honest.
a few nights ago I filled in for half an hour or so at a post &, when relieved, I forgot to take my little palm along with me. the officer who relieved me, not knowing that it was mine or even what it was, turned it into the sergeant, who turned it into the Associate Warden.
long story short: the reaction of the AW could've run the gamut from my being fired outright, to a few days off without pay, to a letter of reprimand in my file (or "jacket"), to my being told to be more careful about my shit.
as it was, I think I handled things pretty well. my record's clean, I'm a good & (dare I say?) well-liked officer &, ultimately, IT WAS JUST A FUCKING PDA FER CHRIST'S SAKE, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? so what happened was I went in & was asked to write a report. a report snitching off the officer in the gatehouse who searched my shit coming in.
this is one of many times in my life where a certain facility with the English language came in handy. one thing about the Prison I've learned in the few years I've been there is that: there's the shit that happens, & then there's what the report says.
I (& I'm kinda proud of this) was able to write, in a few minutes, a report that, while being entirely truthful, absolved myself, & any & all officers I'd been expected to snitch on.
so that was settled.
still, in the back of my mind I'm wondering if I kinda sorta didn't entirely accidentally leave my PDA to be found, in that I really, really want to get out of this place & have been sorta casting around for an excuse to do so without looking too bad.
You lead one of the most interesting lives of the people I know from this site. Simply, I don't often meet well-read, articulate prison guards. I love it.