for the past week or so, I've been getting a raft of shit from two particular inmates in my unit.
I should've been able to figure out what was going on, but it wasn't until I actually looked up their records that I did.
in Maximum, there are generally 2 types of "guests": inmates & cons.
cons have been down for a while, & will be down for probably the rest of their lives. they don't take any shit, but they don't give much back, either. if you don't fuck with them for the sake of fucking with them, you're cool. but God help you if you do...
inmates are either new to the system ("fish"), or just idiots.
anyway, ya generally don't give a shit about what someone fell for, & it's better if you don't. among both inmates & officers, it's pretty much taboo to talk about whatever it was that brought us all together in this particular cellblock at this point in time...but curiosity does indeed creep in.
anyway, these two boys...white, spangled with nazi & white supremacist into a category I like to call "bitchy asswipe peckerwoods" (bowlderised in a recent episode of "CSI" as "featherwoods")
for the most part, all inmates & cons are equal, but I admit to some prejudice against the white supremacist crowd in that nobody decides their going to be a rapist, or a murderer, or a child molester, or a defense contractor--but these boys (I won't use the term "skinhead', because I know a number of self-described skinheads who don't have a violent or racist bone in their body) make a conscious choice every day to do what they do.
(& I'm fundamentally opposed to the death penalty--making me perhaps the only person working at the prison who is--but when it comes to white-supremacists I'm not so sure, & could argue that it's a form of pest-control)
anyay, I looked 'em up, & found out the mouthiest one was in for...attempted burglary.
in short, he was suffering from a bad case of STS, or Short Timers Syndrome.
STS is only occasionally fatal, & the usual symptoms consist of trying to be a little bad-ass on the tier because you know you're going to be released in a couple of months, hopefully before the cons you've been mouthing off to find out you were in for...attempted burglary.
I hate to say it, but the little p-dub was starting to bother me, & that's a bad thing because there are endless ways I can make his life a living hell while he's here, & that's just not a road I want to go down.
anyway, once I found out that the little sieg heil piece of shit was a short-timer, everything was cool & it was business as usual.
I should've been able to figure out what was going on, but it wasn't until I actually looked up their records that I did.
in Maximum, there are generally 2 types of "guests": inmates & cons.
cons have been down for a while, & will be down for probably the rest of their lives. they don't take any shit, but they don't give much back, either. if you don't fuck with them for the sake of fucking with them, you're cool. but God help you if you do...
inmates are either new to the system ("fish"), or just idiots.
anyway, ya generally don't give a shit about what someone fell for, & it's better if you don't. among both inmates & officers, it's pretty much taboo to talk about whatever it was that brought us all together in this particular cellblock at this point in time...but curiosity does indeed creep in.
anyway, these two boys...white, spangled with nazi & white supremacist into a category I like to call "bitchy asswipe peckerwoods" (bowlderised in a recent episode of "CSI" as "featherwoods")
for the most part, all inmates & cons are equal, but I admit to some prejudice against the white supremacist crowd in that nobody decides their going to be a rapist, or a murderer, or a child molester, or a defense contractor--but these boys (I won't use the term "skinhead', because I know a number of self-described skinheads who don't have a violent or racist bone in their body) make a conscious choice every day to do what they do.
(& I'm fundamentally opposed to the death penalty--making me perhaps the only person working at the prison who is--but when it comes to white-supremacists I'm not so sure, & could argue that it's a form of pest-control)
anyay, I looked 'em up, & found out the mouthiest one was in for...attempted burglary.
in short, he was suffering from a bad case of STS, or Short Timers Syndrome.
STS is only occasionally fatal, & the usual symptoms consist of trying to be a little bad-ass on the tier because you know you're going to be released in a couple of months, hopefully before the cons you've been mouthing off to find out you were in for...attempted burglary.
I hate to say it, but the little p-dub was starting to bother me, & that's a bad thing because there are endless ways I can make his life a living hell while he's here, & that's just not a road I want to go down.
anyway, once I found out that the little sieg heil piece of shit was a short-timer, everything was cool & it was business as usual.