christmas eve was bad, what with having to abandon my wounded car out in the middle of nowhere & sundry other inconveniences.
christmas day was even worse.
I went out with my sister to retrieve my belongings from the car at about 12 noon or so. it'd been snowing hard for a couple of hours, but it didn't seem like anything we couldn't handle.
about 5 miles out of town a snowplow passed us going in the other direction & kicked a hell of a lot of snow & slush our direction. mys sister, who was driving, lost visibility for a second & started fishtailing. when she could see again there was a van coming towards us & she tried to correct away from the other lane, caught the shoulder & we flipped twice.
we were both buckled in & there were no organic injuries other than the fact that she bumped her elbow, my pinkie got a small cut & I spilled a nice piping hot cup of coffee all over myself (& actually the thing went off so smoothly that I was actually able to keep my coffeecup more or less level as we were flipping over the first time)
the car--an Izuzu Rodeo--was totalled. there's no doubt in my mind that if we weren't wearing our seatbelts we'd be either dead or at the very least peeing with the help of a monkey for the rest of our miserable lives. (altho I assume we'd get seperate monkeys.) so let that be a lesson to y'all.
(one scary thing--in addition to the whole flipping over business--my sister carries a loaded pistol with her wherever she goes--"It ain't gonna do me no good if it ain't loaded, yo?", quoth she whenever I express a bit of concern about either her having a loaded pistol or her use of double negatives. anyway, during the tumble it ended up in my lap cocked--if you will--in the direction of that delicate yet essential portion of my anatomy I refer to as "the boys".)
the tally for x-mas/x-mas eve is as follows:
one vehicle wounded & stranded indefinitely.
one vehicle crunched into Modern Art.
one stepfather still in jail.
plus other things that I shan't go into right now.
but, hell, also a memorable sort of christmas that'll give my ragtag sort of family stories for years to come.
one further thought about the accident: both I & my sister, reflecting about it afterwards, noted that it went about as smoothly as a car accident could go. neither of us were hurt, for one thing--& it just seemed sort of--inevitable--when it happened.
for my own part, in the few seconds leading up to it i could kind of tell what was going to happen & was able to prepare for it. I'm reminded of about an incident about a year ago at the prison where I was in a hallway when an inmate attacked an officer I was working with & heard the dude at the end of the hallway jacking a shell into the shotgun. I knew he was going to fire & mentally prepared myself & crouched down (& hoped that whoever loaded the shotgun remembered that the blank round goes in last, otherwise my pretty face was going to end up about 20 yards away from the rest of me.)
christmas day was even worse.
I went out with my sister to retrieve my belongings from the car at about 12 noon or so. it'd been snowing hard for a couple of hours, but it didn't seem like anything we couldn't handle.
about 5 miles out of town a snowplow passed us going in the other direction & kicked a hell of a lot of snow & slush our direction. mys sister, who was driving, lost visibility for a second & started fishtailing. when she could see again there was a van coming towards us & she tried to correct away from the other lane, caught the shoulder & we flipped twice.
we were both buckled in & there were no organic injuries other than the fact that she bumped her elbow, my pinkie got a small cut & I spilled a nice piping hot cup of coffee all over myself (& actually the thing went off so smoothly that I was actually able to keep my coffeecup more or less level as we were flipping over the first time)
the car--an Izuzu Rodeo--was totalled. there's no doubt in my mind that if we weren't wearing our seatbelts we'd be either dead or at the very least peeing with the help of a monkey for the rest of our miserable lives. (altho I assume we'd get seperate monkeys.) so let that be a lesson to y'all.
(one scary thing--in addition to the whole flipping over business--my sister carries a loaded pistol with her wherever she goes--"It ain't gonna do me no good if it ain't loaded, yo?", quoth she whenever I express a bit of concern about either her having a loaded pistol or her use of double negatives. anyway, during the tumble it ended up in my lap cocked--if you will--in the direction of that delicate yet essential portion of my anatomy I refer to as "the boys".)
the tally for x-mas/x-mas eve is as follows:
one vehicle wounded & stranded indefinitely.
one vehicle crunched into Modern Art.
one stepfather still in jail.
plus other things that I shan't go into right now.
but, hell, also a memorable sort of christmas that'll give my ragtag sort of family stories for years to come.
one further thought about the accident: both I & my sister, reflecting about it afterwards, noted that it went about as smoothly as a car accident could go. neither of us were hurt, for one thing--& it just seemed sort of--inevitable--when it happened.
for my own part, in the few seconds leading up to it i could kind of tell what was going to happen & was able to prepare for it. I'm reminded of about an incident about a year ago at the prison where I was in a hallway when an inmate attacked an officer I was working with & heard the dude at the end of the hallway jacking a shell into the shotgun. I knew he was going to fire & mentally prepared myself & crouched down (& hoped that whoever loaded the shotgun remembered that the blank round goes in last, otherwise my pretty face was going to end up about 20 yards away from the rest of me.)