certain events of the past few years, even tho entirely coincidental, almost seem to have the flavor of having come from the mind of a hack writer with limited imagination & a deadline breathing on the back of his neck: a muckraking journalist named "Drudge", a mass murder taking place on 9-1-1, the rescue of Jessica Lynch on April Fool's Day, a sniper whose name seems almost an amalgamation of "malevolent" & "salvo"--other things that I should've written down when they occured to me--& now yesterday's tragedy involving Seven Spanish Agents...
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 25, 2004
rotten fucking morning--some low-level wierdness & sort of a dull, ho… -
Wednesday Jul 21, 2004
learning finger-picking (on guitar) & am thus growing the figernails … -
Saturday Jul 17, 2004
REMINDER Outlaw gay marriage and only gay outlaws will get marr… -
Friday Jul 16, 2004
sort of a grim night at the prison last night. an inmate in the ot… -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
ah, the internet. ah, listening to WFUV all day. urg, hangover. -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2004
ah, life. there's a part of me that would like nothing more than t… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
as an indication as to how utterly boring my life has been lately, th… -
Friday Jul 09, 2004
ah, whiskey. whiskey can, properly used, be a wonderful thing--a s… -
Tuesday Jun 29, 2004
further adventures of self & the young lady mentioned in the last ent… -
Tuesday Jun 22, 2004
it's all about timing. a few months ago I met a very sexy, very in…
"thank you"