certain events of the past few years, even tho entirely coincidental, almost seem to have the flavor of having come from the mind of a hack writer with limited imagination & a deadline breathing on the back of his neck: a muckraking journalist named "Drudge", a mass murder taking place on 9-1-1, the rescue of Jessica Lynch on April Fool's Day, a sniper whose name seems almost an amalgamation of "malevolent" & "salvo"--other things that I should've written down when they occured to me--& now yesterday's tragedy involving Seven Spanish Agents...
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Wednesday Sep 21, 2005
it's been awhile. ended up here after some zen navigation (wonkett… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
this is what happened to me last night: it's not as bad as it lo… -
Monday Jul 04, 2005
a rather quaint bit of arcana I came across that seems a bit out-date… -
Wednesday Jun 29, 2005
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Thursday May 12, 2005
sang & played guitar in front of an audience last night for the first… -
Wednesday May 11, 2005
from an email sent this morning to a friend in Ecuador: had a some… -
Wednesday Apr 27, 2005
bit of trouble at work. I work graveyard shift at the prison--12 h… -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2005
oy. spent three hours last night on my hands & knees looking for a… -
Friday Apr 08, 2005
from this week's ironic times CORRECTION Last week we reported th… -
Saturday Mar 26, 2005
new favorite movie: Nausicaa.
"thank you"