important things in my life are MUTINYING against me, dangit.
--one, for the past couple of days my computer has been switching off at mostly random moments with a snap, crackle & humorous wisp of acrid smoke curling up from the cpu. (I say MOSTLY random because, well, I CAN, & also because it seems to mostly happen when I summon up the gumption to add an entry here.)
I've been able to get her going again most of the time by yanking out a random plug out of the back, squinting at it, blowing on it sharply, & plugging it back in. (this same simple procedure will also magically disinfect moist candy that has accidentally dropped on the carpet.)
then yesterday my dryer unmysteriously died on me. it's one of those front-loading jobs & has a scoopy lintfilter thing on the top that you yank out to unlint. for the past couple of months, for some reason, I've had a couple of big stubby pieces of sidewalk chalk sitting on top, near the lintfilter orifice, & would tell myself everytime I scooped & delinted, "Best be movin' that thar chalk, son! It be an accident a-waitin' to happen! Arrr!" (my inner voice talks like a pirate sometimes.)
anyway, I did not & it did & dang.
also, in a few short days begins National Novel Writing Month , which I'm going to give the good ol' college try, despite the disturbingly frank inner voice that scowls (figuratively) & says, "Ye scurvy dog! I've seen better examples of prose dropped into the steaming recesses of me chamberpot!" & then tries to bite my nose off.
also, heading to SLC for Halloween tomorrow or the day after. I'm not entirely sure what my costume is going to be but have nonetheless been working on it for about a week now. I figure that when I can't dick around with it anymore, or I look at the clock & realize that it's 8pm Halloween night, I'm done.
--one, for the past couple of days my computer has been switching off at mostly random moments with a snap, crackle & humorous wisp of acrid smoke curling up from the cpu. (I say MOSTLY random because, well, I CAN, & also because it seems to mostly happen when I summon up the gumption to add an entry here.)
I've been able to get her going again most of the time by yanking out a random plug out of the back, squinting at it, blowing on it sharply, & plugging it back in. (this same simple procedure will also magically disinfect moist candy that has accidentally dropped on the carpet.)
then yesterday my dryer unmysteriously died on me. it's one of those front-loading jobs & has a scoopy lintfilter thing on the top that you yank out to unlint. for the past couple of months, for some reason, I've had a couple of big stubby pieces of sidewalk chalk sitting on top, near the lintfilter orifice, & would tell myself everytime I scooped & delinted, "Best be movin' that thar chalk, son! It be an accident a-waitin' to happen! Arrr!" (my inner voice talks like a pirate sometimes.)
anyway, I did not & it did & dang.
also, in a few short days begins National Novel Writing Month , which I'm going to give the good ol' college try, despite the disturbingly frank inner voice that scowls (figuratively) & says, "Ye scurvy dog! I've seen better examples of prose dropped into the steaming recesses of me chamberpot!" & then tries to bite my nose off.
also, heading to SLC for Halloween tomorrow or the day after. I'm not entirely sure what my costume is going to be but have nonetheless been working on it for about a week now. I figure that when I can't dick around with it anymore, or I look at the clock & realize that it's 8pm Halloween night, I'm done.