It's all over for me people.
I just had to get the new Zelda game.
It's like 1988 all over again...sitting in front of my TV in my PJs, except this time no blowing into the cartridges to make them work.
I just had to get the new Zelda game.
It's like 1988 all over again...sitting in front of my TV in my PJs, except this time no blowing into the cartridges to make them work.

And it's really rad
Those creatures from Gannon
Are pretty bad
Octoroks and Tectaks
Leburs too
But with your help
Our hero pulls through
Yeah, go Link!
Yeah, get some!
Yay for zelda!!
I want a new game.
my parentst took back the Ps2 when my brother got ungrounded.
damn it