Anime North + Cosplay + Gothic Lolita = awsome

What made it better was the great people, awsome shows, and concerts, along with the fun panels.

So much fun, I'm still tired from it.
1 Glass of Ice
1 1/2 ounce Vodka
1/2 ounce Amaretto

Happy mothers day.
Ah summer, lookin for a job, workin on the house and playing video games till I drop. Too bad most of my friends are leaving this summer. One is moving away to Japan for a year, the other Toronto with his gf, and well I've lost the other 2 anyhow.

Need to find me a barfridge.
Damn, summer is coming soon. Better finish what's left of school I guess, and get ready for some hard labour. Well money and labour, better than lazyin around on a sunday afternoon. Or not.

God save the Queen. And my pop tarts.
Well from the way things work out, College semester is extended, and I get kicked outa rez while I'm soposed to have 2 weeks left in school. Might just see if I can get a full refund from college and try some other time. Not even sure I was doing that well in college to begin with. Damn... life's a bugger sometimes.

Good news is,...
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So the strike is over, and I'm still here thinking...
I know I got work to do, and I know I have no time. I know that give another month or so school will practically be over and I'll still be tryin to find my way around things. Seems life catches me early on all aspects. I'm not sure wether to sink or swim. Guess...
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Man, life seems really boring when you have nothing to do. This damn school strike is gettin on my nerves. I'm just about ready to go burn down all the schools in protest. Sure, that won't get me back in class. But it will let me know how long I can take for vacation. I'd rather know how much time I got on my hands,...
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"I'll always cherish the Mammaries." - applegeeks.com

So true, so true...
So my dad's surprise 60th birthday thing went down sorta well. In the mass of drinking to death, which I have to say I drank quite a bit. I somehow lost my cellphone and my pants. Course this story being to long for me to care to explain, and the fact I can't remember it all is a key element to this story that I'm...
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