Clutch tight your gilded shield to your heart.
Duck your head down and thrust it forward to ward off the dangers.
Let reason and logic break upon your shield as the waves break upon the shore.
Shut tight your eyes and plug your ears, lest the sensiblity of truth sway you from the convenience of faith.
For the truth accuses you, puts the burden of control and consequence upon your back; while faith sweeps away your trials and lays the responsibilty and blame at the feet of others.
The sins of greed, avarice and pride rest not in your heart, but in the hearts of those who stray from your path.
"Do as I say, not as I do" is the true word of your church, and power is the currency of its leaders.
You're led down the road of ruin; pulled along by invisible strings wielded by a mad puppeteer.
So shield your face, believer. Cower behind your gilded shield. The truth will burn away the for of faith in the end; but clarity will come far too late to help you.
Clutch tight your gilded shield to your heart.
Duck your head down and thrust it forward to ward off the dangers.
Let reason and logic break upon your shield as the waves break upon the shore.
Shut tight your eyes and plug your ears, lest the sensiblity of truth sway you from the convenience of faith.
For the truth accuses you, puts the burden of control and consequence upon your back; while faith sweeps away your trials and lays the responsibilty and blame at the feet of others.
The sins of greed, avarice and pride rest not in your heart, but in the hearts of those who stray from your path.
"Do as I say, not as I do" is the true word of your church, and power is the currency of its leaders.
You're led down the road of ruin; pulled along by invisible strings wielded by a mad puppeteer.
So shield your face, believer. Cower behind your gilded shield. The truth will burn away the for of faith in the end; but clarity will come far too late to help you.