Step through the door that's set into nothing. A portal with no anchor or frame. It stands in clear air, defying rational and reason. Where does it lead? What does it open upon? Not even the ancients could tell you, were one of their long-passed number to walk by. For, even in their time, the door stood here, tempting passersby with its strangeness and mystery. Even in those storied times of "ago", none could say where the door might lead you. It may open once upon a sun-dappled meadow, where the clean scent of mid-day grass beckons you, insisting that you lay down in the warnth and enjoy a nap in the arms of nature. The next time the door opens, it may lead to a smokey sub-world filled with the screams of damned souls. Men and women who writhe in agony as demons with sideways faces lash their flesh away with barbed and poisoned whips. The door has no agenda, and it holds no preference.It does not choose to open upon Heaven, nor does it choose to swing aside and reveal Hell. It simply opens. You may turn its scroll-worked knob and swing it open upon a scene from your sweetest daydream, or upon the fevered nightmare of a maniac.
The risk, choice and reward are yours.
Step through the door that's set into nothing. A portal with no anchor or frame. It stands in clear air, defying rational and reason. Where does it lead? What does it open upon? Not even the ancients could tell you, were one of their long-passed number to walk by. For, even in their time, the door stood here, tempting passersby with its strangeness and mystery. Even in those storied times of "ago", none could say where the door might lead you. It may open once upon a sun-dappled meadow, where the clean scent of mid-day grass beckons you, insisting that you lay down in the warnth and enjoy a nap in the arms of nature. The next time the door opens, it may lead to a smokey sub-world filled with the screams of damned souls. Men and women who writhe in agony as demons with sideways faces lash their flesh away with barbed and poisoned whips. The door has no agenda, and it holds no preference.It does not choose to open upon Heaven, nor does it choose to swing aside and reveal Hell. It simply opens. You may turn its scroll-worked knob and swing it open upon a scene from your sweetest daydream, or upon the fevered nightmare of a maniac.
The risk, choice and reward are yours.