Dark Mutterings: October 29, 2007
Fuck Santa right up his fat, red, holly-jolly ass. I am sick to fucking death of thrice-damned Christmas and all of its accompanying bullshit. "But," you say, a gleam of hopeful innocence in your eyes, "surely you can't be sick of Christmas alrady. It's only October. Christmas is ages away." WRONG! Christmas may still be two months away, but the Christmas season began the first week of September! That's when the displays of Christmas decorations began appearing in the stores. Why oh why do you people (speaking only to those of you who buy the tacky-ass horros that pass for Christmas decorations these days) encourage the stores by buying this shit? I ask because they wouldn't put the stuff out earlier and earlier each year unless there were some demand for it. What's the matter? Are you afraid that if you don't buy the stuff as soon as possible that you'll forget Christmas is coming? One month of living under a constant barrage of Christmas music, Christmas TV specials (let me just say here that "A Christmas Story" and "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" are both great, but fuck Charlie Brown up his Dolly Madison, MET Life schilling ass....and Snoopy, too. Damn dog.) and Christmas advertising isn't enough for you? Are you really stupid enough to need three months?
You realize that only the Evangelical Christian faith does this, don't you? I don't recall ever walking into a store and hearing the dreidel song being played over the loud speakers. I've never checked my mail and found an eight hundred page catalog of Ramadan gifts. I've also never had a group of Buddhist monks stop by my house to sing me a carol about the time that Buddha found a peanut with three nuts in it instead of just two. Only Evangelical Christians are willing to let the single most important day in their religion be celebrated with shoddy, garish and tacky (Oh so FUCKING tacky) decorations and music. When I hear a group of young Jewish children singing a Hannukah carol like "Uncle Hiram Got Run Over By SchloMo The Hannukah Donkey," then I'll hold their celebration of their holiday to the same level of derision that I hold Christmas. I doubt that will ever happen, however, because only Christians seem willing to trade religious observation and tradition for commercialized insanity.
In closing, while I have no problem with the idea and celebration of Christmas, I give a stout two fingers up to what the holiday has been perverted into.
Plus, fruitcake is just fucking evil....seriously.
Bah, Humbug,
Fuck Santa right up his fat, red, holly-jolly ass. I am sick to fucking death of thrice-damned Christmas and all of its accompanying bullshit. "But," you say, a gleam of hopeful innocence in your eyes, "surely you can't be sick of Christmas alrady. It's only October. Christmas is ages away." WRONG! Christmas may still be two months away, but the Christmas season began the first week of September! That's when the displays of Christmas decorations began appearing in the stores. Why oh why do you people (speaking only to those of you who buy the tacky-ass horros that pass for Christmas decorations these days) encourage the stores by buying this shit? I ask because they wouldn't put the stuff out earlier and earlier each year unless there were some demand for it. What's the matter? Are you afraid that if you don't buy the stuff as soon as possible that you'll forget Christmas is coming? One month of living under a constant barrage of Christmas music, Christmas TV specials (let me just say here that "A Christmas Story" and "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" are both great, but fuck Charlie Brown up his Dolly Madison, MET Life schilling ass....and Snoopy, too. Damn dog.) and Christmas advertising isn't enough for you? Are you really stupid enough to need three months?
You realize that only the Evangelical Christian faith does this, don't you? I don't recall ever walking into a store and hearing the dreidel song being played over the loud speakers. I've never checked my mail and found an eight hundred page catalog of Ramadan gifts. I've also never had a group of Buddhist monks stop by my house to sing me a carol about the time that Buddha found a peanut with three nuts in it instead of just two. Only Evangelical Christians are willing to let the single most important day in their religion be celebrated with shoddy, garish and tacky (Oh so FUCKING tacky) decorations and music. When I hear a group of young Jewish children singing a Hannukah carol like "Uncle Hiram Got Run Over By SchloMo The Hannukah Donkey," then I'll hold their celebration of their holiday to the same level of derision that I hold Christmas. I doubt that will ever happen, however, because only Christians seem willing to trade religious observation and tradition for commercialized insanity.
In closing, while I have no problem with the idea and celebration of Christmas, I give a stout two fingers up to what the holiday has been perverted into.
Plus, fruitcake is just fucking evil....seriously.
Bah, Humbug,
Man, I love ur pics