Everyone loves you. Is glad to see you. Values you. You're dependable.
First in, last out. The go to, the one to call. You're dependable.
You're the rock. You're the steady hand of success. You're dependable.
We can count on you. We know you'll take care of it. You're dependable.
Left behind while others rush past. Clean up the mess they leave. You're dependable....
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Everyone loves you. Is glad to see you. Values you. You're dependable.
First in, last out. The go to, the one to call. You're dependable.
You're the rock. You're the steady hand of success. You're dependable.
We can count on you. We know you'll take care of it. You're dependable.
Left behind while others rush past. Clean up the mess they leave. You're dependable....
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