From tazzi


Heya! Thank you again for your lovely comment on my set :) and also for the follow! :D

From galda


Thank you for your sublime comment on my set! I love it when people leave a lengthy comment ☺️

@galda You're very welcome. It's a magnificent set. You and Holley did an outstanding job. Your beauty really shined through. You deserve a longer comment than, "that's hot." Wishing you whole big bunches of success with this one!

From hixon


Thank you for leaving such amazing comments on my sets and the multi. You are such a sweetheart!

@hixon You're very welcome! Let's just say you make it easy. Congrats again on all of the great sets. Wishing you so much success!

Thank you so much for your kind words on my set! I really love that one and it's nice to know that someone who consistently engages actually liked it! <3  Seriously, thank you! You help make this place one of my favourite places on the internet!!

From mclovinn


Ahw thank you so much for the lovely comment on my debut set dear, I'm glad you liked it, and hope you'll like my next one even more!(;

Aww! How long? Do I have to kick Father Time's ass!?!?!
Haha only a month and a half, but hoping to get another set queued before it goes live! Or else I'll be kicking my own ass for slacking ;p

From bristole


it was a bit ago but I want to say thank you so very much for your comment on my set :) your words are so sweet! very grateful for them, and I hope you have a wonderful day! xx 

@dk You are so very welcome. Wishing you a wonderful day, as well! Best wishes and continued success!

From torro


Hi!! Just wanted to say thank you for all the love and support you've given me this far and so happy you liked my debut set!! YAY the wait is over, now just for the next one :)

Cheers to that! There aren't that many of us. One month three weeks til my next :)
@torro Can't wait. I'll kick Father Time's ass and try to speed things up!