Last week, I decided to be a complete rebel, bucking the system and naming four...that's right, FOUR...#wcws. It felt so good to flip the middle finger to the internet and its oppressive constraints (too much?) that I've decided to do it again this week. Because I'm a rebel. Or a pain in the ass. One of the two.
First up is the awesome @wick_, who has a brand new set up and loves it when you comment and show her some love. So what are you waiting for? Go check out Bring Me That Horizon or the Yeti will eat your children. Or your cats. He doesn't discriminate.
Up next is @briseis, who is not only immensely hot and sexy but is SO beautiful. She's got such an infectious smile and some incredibly engaging eyes. She sucks you in with a single look and you proceed to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. Just not s painfully. Or as fatally. Because that would be awful. Go follow and show Briseis some love. No, really, go. Yeti's getting hungry...
Third is @victoryrose. Not only is she an engaging blogger and conversationalist, she, like @briseis, has a million dollar smile. And one of the most beautiful snakes you'll ever see in your life. No, that isn't some sort of innuendo. It's a real, honest-to-goodness snake with the most vivid red and orange color I've ever seen. It's awesome, she's awesome and she deserves your attention. Unless you're ready to see your cats massacred. Yeti's getting awfully antsy...
Last, but most certainly not least, is @blu! One of the sweetest girls on all of SG, she is a fellow Maple Leafs fan (suck it, Flyers!) and shares my love for To Kill a Mockingbird, which is not only a great book but one of the best of all-time. She's even got said mockingbird tattooed on her. That right there is devotion. Show Blu some devotion of your own by heading over to her profile, liking some of her pics and reading through some of her very well-written blogs.
Or get the point.
That about does it for this week's #wcw. Being rebellious and bucking the system is fun. Who knows, maybe next week I'll get REALLY hardcore and have FIVE (!) #wcws.