Hump day. For the next 4 months, I will not work on Wednesdays. I do, however, have 8 hours of classes. Though most of that is hands on work, and missing a class now and then won't kill me. Anyways, that's not the point... the point is that since it's Wednesday, that means I've gone 10 days without an anxiety attack. They were almost daily for a while (even off the inhaler, so these were real), so this is comforting. I've had a few close calls, but so far, I'm keeping it together. I think the fact that I got my work and school schedule to balance is a part of that. Now, to balance teh rest of my life (check back in with me on thatone in about a jillion years).
Thanks to everyone who showed support for my friends who aren't doing so well. I'll make sure to pass on the love. You'll be seeing a handful (or more) of pictures of me in the near future, some holding a baby. Don't get any ideas.
Ok, since no one answered to this part on my last blog, I ask again:
If I made a video blog, what would you want to see? (I didn't say I would, buf if I did...)
Ask me a question about me. Anything, and if I don't do the video, I'll answer in writing.
Thanks to everyone who showed support for my friends who aren't doing so well. I'll make sure to pass on the love. You'll be seeing a handful (or more) of pictures of me in the near future, some holding a baby. Don't get any ideas.
Ok, since no one answered to this part on my last blog, I ask again:
If I made a video blog, what would you want to see? (I didn't say I would, buf if I did...)
Ask me a question about me. Anything, and if I don't do the video, I'll answer in writing.
You left the seat up.